Metropolitan High School (The) is a small public high school serving grades 9-12 in the Bronx, New York, with a student population of just 154 students. Unfortunately, the school has consistently ranked among the lowest-performing high schools in the state, with a 0-star rating from SchoolDigger for most years.
The school's performance is particularly low for various student subgroups, including female students, male students, African American students, Hispanic students, English Language Learners, special education students, and students from low socioeconomic backgrounds. These subgroups are all ranked in the bottom 10-15% of high schools in the state. Metropolitan High School (The) also struggles with low graduation rates, ranging from 69.9% to 85.1%, and high dropout rates, ranging from 4.9% to 13.4%, which are significantly worse than the state and district averages. Additionally, the school has extremely high chronic absenteeism rates, ranging from 34.1% to 64.4%, much higher than the state and district averages.
Interestingly, the nearby Bronx Career And College Preparatory High School and Bronx Latin School, which are also part of the New York City Geographic District #12, perform poorly as well, suggesting that the challenges faced by Metropolitan High School (The) may be systemic issues within the district. Despite the school's relatively high spending per student, ranging from $24,139 to $46,284, this does not seem to translate into improved student outcomes, indicating that the school may need to re-evaluate how resources are being utilized.
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