The Dunellen, New Jersey school district consists of three schools: John P. Faber Elementary School, Dunellen High School, and Lincoln Middle School. The district serves a population with a high percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating lower socioeconomic status. Overall, the schools in the Dunellen Public School District are underperforming compared to state averages, with consistently low test scores, high chronic absenteeism, and low statewide rankings across all three schools.
John P. Faber Elementary School stands out with relatively low test scores, a high chronic absenteeism rate, and a low statewide ranking, placing it in the bottom quarter of New Jersey elementary schools. Dunellen High School, while having a higher graduation rate and lower dropout rate than the state average, also lags behind in test scores and has a low statewide ranking. Lincoln Middle School follows a similar pattern, with test scores below the state average and a high chronic absenteeism rate.
The data suggests that the Dunellen Public School District as a whole is facing significant challenges, with all three schools underperforming compared to state averages on key metrics such as test scores, attendance, and graduation rates. Addressing the root causes of these issues, such as chronic absenteeism and socioeconomic factors, will be crucial for the district to improve student outcomes and provide a high-quality education for all its students.
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