The Caruthersville Middle school is the sole middle school serving grades 6-8 in the Caruthersville 18 district in Missouri. With a total enrollment of 188 students, the school has consistently ranked in the bottom 10-15% of Missouri middle schools over the past three years, earning a 0 out of 5 star rating from SchoolDigger.
Academically, Caruthersville Middle struggles significantly, with proficiency rates on state assessments well below the state averages across all grade levels and subject areas. For example, in 2023-2024, only 19.1% of 6th graders were proficient in math compared to the state average of 44.4%, and just 15.1% of 7th graders were proficient in English Language Arts compared to the state average of 37.8%. The school also faces high rates of chronic absenteeism at 19.4%.
Despite having a relatively low student-teacher ratio of 9.9, Caruthersville Middle serves an extremely economically disadvantaged student population, with 98.4% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. While the school's per-student spending of $11,278 in 2021-2022 was above the state average, these resources have not been sufficient to overcome the deep-rooted challenges the school faces in serving its high-needs student community and driving meaningful academic improvements.
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