Lauderdale Elementary School is a public elementary school serving 705 students in grades PK-6 in Rogersville, Alabama. The school is part of the Lauderdale County School District, which is ranked 48 out of 137 districts in the state and has a 3-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Lauderdale Elementary has a significantly higher percentage of white students (90.21%) compared to the surrounding schools, which have more diverse student populations. The school's academic performance is mixed, with 5th grade English scores above the state average but lower performance in 3rd, 4th, and 6th grade English, as well as in math across all grades. Lauderdale Elementary's rankings for specific student subgroups, such as female students, white students, and special education students, are generally lower than the overall school ranking, indicating achievement gaps. The school has a relatively high free/reduced lunch rate of 56.03%, which is higher than some nearby schools but lower than others in the area.
Compared to nearby schools, Lauderdale Elementary's performance is generally lower than that of Brooks Elementary, the highest-performing school in the immediate area. However, Lauderdale outperforms some other nearby schools, such as Leighton Elementary and Hazlewood Elementary, which are among the lowest-performing schools in the state. The school's challenges in addressing achievement gaps and improving overall academic outcomes, particularly in math and lower grade-level English, suggest that Lauderdale Elementary could benefit from a closer examination of its curriculum, instructional practices, and support systems to better serve its students and community.
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