Van Middle is an elementary school located in Van, Texas, serving grades 2-6 with a total enrollment of 512 students. The school is part of the Van Independent School District, which is ranked 250 out of 968 districts in Texas and has a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Van Middle has a higher percentage of White students (63.48%) compared to the surrounding schools, which range from 54.96% to 74.3% White students. The school also has a higher percentage of Hispanic students (27.15%) compared to the nearby schools. Academically, Van Middle's performance, as measured by STAAR test scores, is generally on par with or slightly below the state and district averages. For example, in 2023-2024, the school's 6th-grade reading proficiency (58.58%) was higher than the state average (54.45%), but its 4th-grade reading proficiency (31.61%) was lower than the state average (50.66%). Additionally, Van Middle has a relatively high percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, ranging from 54.53% to 60.62% over the past three years, which is higher than the surrounding schools, such as Martins Mill Elementary and Mineola Elementary.
While Van Middle's performance is generally on par with or slightly below the state and district averages, the school has seen a decrease in the percentage of non-White students over the past three years, with the White student population increasing from 69.87% in 2020-2021 to 63.48% in 2022-2023. Additionally, the school's academic performance has been somewhat inconsistent over the years, and its performance for specific student subgroups, such as African American and English Language Learner students, is significantly lower than the state and district averages, suggesting the need for targeted interventions and support. Comparing Van Middle to its nearby counterparts, such as Martins Mill Elementary and Mineola Elementary, which tend to have higher academic performance and lower free/reduced lunch rates, indicates potential areas for improvement at Van Middle.
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Public 2-6
Van Independent School District (Isd)
SchoolDigger Rank:
1891st of 4,675 Texas Elementary Schools
Per Pupil Expenditures: $8,385
Students who attend Van Middle usually attend:
Student/teacher ratio: 15.7
Number of students: 512
Racial breakdown:
Two or more races:
African American:
American Indian:
Pacific Islander:
Free/discounted lunch recipients: 59%
See top rated Texas elementary schools
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