The city of Bishopville, South Carolina is home to 4 schools serving students from elementary through high school, including 1 public charter school. Overall, the schools in Bishopville are performing significantly below state averages on key metrics like test scores and school rankings, with no clear standout institutions in the area.
The highest performing school appears to be Pee Dee Math Sci & Technical, a public charter school that had the best proficiency rates on 8th grade state assessments compared to the other schools. However, even Pee Dee Math Sci & Technical's scores were still below the state averages. The remaining schools, including Lee Central High, Dennis Elementary, and Lee Central Middle, all have very low proficiency rates on state assessments and are ranked in the bottom quarter of their respective school types in the state.
The schools in Bishopville serve a predominantly low-income student population, with 100% of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. This socioeconomic factor likely contributes to the schools' consistently poor academic performance, which has shown little improvement over time. The Lee 01 school district, which all the Bishopville schools are a part of, is ranked 73 out of 75 districts in the state and is rated 0 stars out of 5. Addressing the underlying challenges in this school system will be crucial for improving student outcomes in the long run.
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