The schools in the 45216 zip code area consist of 2 elementary schools and 1 middle school, serving students from grades K-8 with no high schools or alternative schools represented. While the student population is racially diverse, the schools in this area are consistently underperforming, with Hartwell School and ReGeneration Bond Hill ranking in the bottom 20% of their respective school types in Ohio over the past 3 years.
Chronic absenteeism is a significant issue, with Hartwell School at 29.2% and ReGeneration Bond Hill at an alarming 68.5% in the 2023-2024 school year. This high rate of chronic absenteeism likely contributes to the schools' overall underperformance, as evidenced by their low test scores, with only 9.6% of 8th-grade students at Hartwell School proficient or better in Mathematics and 5.8% in English Language Arts.
The racial disparities in the student populations, with ReGeneration Bond Hill having a student body that is 94.72% African American, raise questions about equity and access to high-quality educational opportunities for all students in the 45216 zip code area. Addressing the challenges faced by these schools, including chronic absenteeism, low academic performance, and potential racial disparities, will likely require a comprehensive approach involving targeted interventions, community engagement, and a focus on improving educational outcomes for all students in the Cincinnati Public Schools and ReGeneration Bond Hill districts.
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