PS 121 is an exceptional elementary school located in South Ozone Park, New York, serving 715 students in grades PK-5. This school is part of the New York City Geographic District #28, which is ranked 429 out of 865 districts in the state.
PS 121 has consistently ranked among the top elementary schools in New York, earning a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's proficiency rates in English Language Arts (ELA) and Math are significantly higher than the district and state averages. For example, in 2023-2024, 92.16% of 3rd graders, 87.84% of 4th graders, and 70.27% of 5th graders were proficient or better in ELA, compared to the district averages of 50.37%, 59.28%, and 50.95%, respectively. In Math, the proficiency rates for PS 121 were even more impressive, with 97.92% of 3rd graders, 91.89% of 4th graders, and 87.65% of 5th graders scoring proficient or better, compared to the district averages of 60.66%, 66.67%, and 57.46%.
When compared to nearby schools, such as PS 161 Arthur Ashe School and PS 55 Maure, PS 121 significantly outperforms them in academic proficiency rates, ranking, and overall performance. This suggests that PS 121 is a standout school in the local area, providing a high-quality education and effectively supporting students from diverse backgrounds, including those from low-socioeconomic families.
In the 2023-24 school year, 711 students attended Ps 121.
Yes! Ps 121 is one of the best elementary schools in the state. It ranks 84th of 2445 New York elementary schools.
Students at Ps 121 are 44% Asian, 23% American Indian, 13% African American, 13% Hispanic, 5% Pacific Islander, 2% Two or more races, 1% White.
New York City Geographic District #28
Students who attend Ps 121 usually go on to attend:Middle : Emerson School (The)Middle : Junior High School 8 Richard S Grossley