The Little Falls Middle School is the sole middle school serving the Little Falls City School District in New York. While the school's performance on Regents exams is exceptional, with 100% proficiency rates in subjects like Living Environment and Algebra I, its proficiency on the New York State Assessments in English Language Arts and Math is more mixed, with some grades performing below the state average.
The school's spending per student is $16,658, and it has a student-teacher ratio of 8.8 to 1. Over 61% of the school's students are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating potential socioeconomic challenges that may impact academic performance. The school's statewide ranking has fluctuated in recent years, going from 1 star to 2 stars, suggesting its performance is not consistently strong compared to other middle schools in New York.
Despite these challenges, the school's standout performance on Regents exams highlights its ability to effectively prepare students for these high-stakes assessments. Continued monitoring and targeted interventions could help the school address its weaknesses in state assessment proficiency and improve outcomes for all students.
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