Truxton Academy Charter School is the sole elementary school serving grades K-5 in the Truxton, New York area, with a total enrollment of 101 students. Based on the available data, this school appears to be underperforming academically compared to other elementary schools in the state of New York.
The school's academic performance, as measured by state assessment proficiency rates, is significantly below the state average across all grade levels and subject areas. For example, in 3rd grade English Language Arts, only 7.14% of Truxton Academy students were proficient, compared to the state average of 44.89%. Similarly, in 3rd grade Math, just 14.29% of Truxton Academy students were proficient, compared to 53.68% statewide. This poor academic performance has resulted in the school ranking in the bottom 10% of all New York elementary schools.
Despite spending a relatively high amount of $25,974 per student, Truxton Academy Charter School has not been able to translate this financial investment into improved educational outcomes for its students. The school also has a very homogeneous student population, with 96.04% of students identifying as white, which may limit the diversity of perspectives and experiences available to the student body. Overall, the data suggests that Truxton Academy Charter School is a struggling school that is failing to provide a high-quality education to the students in the Truxton, New York area.
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