The Brooklawn Public School District in New Jersey consists of a single elementary school, Alice Costello Elementary School, which serves students from pre-kindergarten through 8th grade. The school faces some significant challenges, with its academic performance being uneven and its student population coming from predominantly low-income households.
While Alice Costello Elementary School has strong performance in 3rd grade English Language Arts and Mathematics, proficiency levels decline in higher grades, with 7th and 8th grade students scoring well below the state average. The school's science proficiency is particularly low, with 5th and 8th grade students scoring significantly below the state average. This suggests potential issues with curriculum alignment, instructional quality, or student support systems that may be impacting student learning and growth over time.
The school's high percentage of students eligible for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a relatively low-income student population, may present additional challenges in terms of academic support, access to resources, and overall student well-being. However, the school's small student-teacher ratio and relatively high per-student spending suggest that there may be opportunities to leverage these resources to drive improvements in student outcomes, particularly in the areas of science and overall academic performance.
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