Heather Ridge is a public high school in Frederick, Maryland, serving grades 7-12 with a total enrollment of 45 students. The school stands out from its surrounding counterparts in several key ways.
Heather Ridge has a significantly different racial makeup compared to nearby schools, with a student population that is 46.67% African American, 31.11% Hispanic, and only 15.56% White. This contrasts sharply with the higher percentage of White students, ranging from 50% to 80.58%, at the surrounding schools. Academically, Heather Ridge also lags behind, with only 20% of 10th-grade students proficient or better in English Language Arts and a mere 5.9% proficient or better in Algebra I, far below the district and state averages. Additionally, Heather Ridge has a much higher percentage of students, 77.78%, receiving free or reduced-price lunch, compared to the nearby schools, which range from 13.23% to 38.73%.
Despite the school's significant socioeconomic challenges, Heather Ridge spends significantly more per student, $101,191, compared to the surrounding schools, which range from $11,462 to $14,716 per student. This raises questions about the effectiveness of the resource allocation and the specific obstacles the school is facing in providing a high-quality education to its students. The stark contrasts in academic performance, racial composition, and socioeconomic factors suggest that Heather Ridge may require targeted interventions and support to address these issues and improve outcomes for its students.
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