There is only one middle school located in the Team Charter Academy District, which is Team Charter Academy. This school has consistently ranked in the bottom 10% of California middle schools, with a 0 out of 5 star rating from School Digger, indicating very poor performance.
Team Charter Academy's test scores are significantly below the state averages in both English Language Arts and Mathematics across all grade levels. For example, in 2023-2024, only 22.94% of students were proficient or better in ELA End of Course, compared to the state average of 47.04%. In Mathematics, the school had 0% proficiency in 8th grade, compared to the state average of 31.57%. The school also has a high chronic absenteeism rate of 34.8%, which may be contributing to the poor academic performance.
With 82.05% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, Team Charter Academy serves a high-poverty student population. The school's student-teacher ratio of 18.9 is slightly higher than the state average. Overall, the data suggests that Team Charter Academy is struggling to provide a quality education to its students and may need significant interventions and support to improve its performance.
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