The city of Osceola, Arkansas is home to 4 schools serving students from elementary through high school, all of which are part of the Osceola School District. Unfortunately, the data indicates that the schools in Osceola are consistently underperforming, with all of them scoring well below the state averages on key metrics like test scores and proficiency rates.
The highest-performing school in the district appears to be Osceola High School, which ranked 296 out of 305 Arkansas high schools for the 2023-2024 school year. However, even this school has extremely low proficiency rates, with only 1.7% of students proficient in Algebra and 0% proficient in Geometry. The other schools in the district, including Carroll Smith Elementary, Osceola Middle School, and North Elementary, all have similarly dismal academic performance, with proficiency rates often 20 percentage points or more below the state averages.
The data also reveals that the Osceola schools serve a student population that is facing significant economic challenges, with nearly all students (98-99%) eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. This high level of economic disadvantage likely contributes to the schools' struggles, and may require targeted interventions and support to address the underlying issues. Overall, the data paints a concerning picture of the Osceola School District, and suggests that a comprehensive, district-wide approach will be necessary to improve student outcomes in the community.
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