Arlington Middle


Arlington Middle is a high-performing public middle school in Arlington, Tennessee, serving grades 6-8 with a total enrollment of 992 students. The school is part of the Arlington District, which is ranked 1 out of 139 districts in Tennessee and is rated 5 stars out of 5 by SchoolDigger.

Arlington Middle consistently ranks among the top middle schools in Tennessee, ranking 41st out of 580 schools in the 2023-2024 school year and receiving a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's academic performance is significantly higher than the state average across all subject areas, with proficiency rates ranging from 41.7% to 78.1% in the 2023-2024 school year, compared to the state averages of 29.2% to 46.3%. Arlington Middle's performance is particularly strong in Mathematics and Social Studies, with proficiency rates exceeding 60% in these subjects. The school's diverse student population, with a racial makeup of 72.78% White, 12.2% African American, and 9.48% Hispanic, also contributes to its success.

When compared to nearby middle schools, such as Millington Intermediate School, Craigmont Middle, and West Junior High School, Arlington Middle stands out as a high-performing institution, with significantly higher proficiency rates across all subject areas. The school's consistent high performance over the years, along with its strong student-teacher ratio, make it a standout choice for families in the region.


Public 6-8

 5470 Lamb RD
       Arlington, TN  38002

(901) 867-6015

District: Arlington

SchoolDigger Rank:
39th of 587 Tennessee Middle Schools

Per Pupil Expenditures:  $10,404 Help

Students who attend Arlington Middle usually attend:

High:    Arlington High

Feeder schools for Arlington Middle:

Elementary:    Arlington Elementary
    Donelson Elementary

Student/teacher ratio:  18.0 Help
Number of students:  976

Racial breakdown:

African American:

Free/discounted lunch recipients:  14.1% Help

 See top rated Tennessee middle schools

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Performance Trends
Compare Details Arlington Middle ranks better than 93.4% of middle schools in Tennessee. (See more...)
Compare Details In 2024 the calculated Average Standard Score was 90.45. (See more...)
Chronic absenteeism in a school refers to a situation where students repeatedly miss school, with the threshold often defined as missing 10% or more of school days for any reason, excused or unexcused.
Student Body
Compare Details Racial makeup is: White (70.9%), African American (12.2%), Hispanic (9.5%). (See more...)
Compare Details The student/teacher ratio at Arlington Middle is 18. (See more...)
Compare Arlington Middle employs 54 full-time teachers.
Compare Details The average total spent per student at Arlington Middle is $10,404.
Schooldigger 2024 Rankings:

Arlington Middle:

SchoolDigger ranks Arlington Middle 39th of 587 Tennessee public middle schools. (See Arlington Middle in the ranking list.)

Middle School Test Score Ratings by Student Subgroup:

Special Education students:
Low Socio Economic Status students:
Female students:
Military Connected students:
Male students:
Asian students:
African American students:
Hispanic students:
White students:


SchoolDigger ranks Arlington 1st of 140 Tennessee school districts. (See district ranking list.)

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Your rating for Arlington Middle?

Rank History for Arlington Middle


Rank History for all students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2017 84.98 20th 362 94.5%
2018 84.52 48th 563 91.5%
2019 83.68 54th 574 90.6%
2021 95.34 17th 576 97.0%
2022 90.13 36th 569 93.7%
2023 89.81 43rd 594 92.8%
2024 90.45 39th 587 93.4%
See the entire list of Tennessee Middle School Rankings!

Rank History for Special Education students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 61.63 37th 279 86.7%
2019 61.25 34th 222 84.7%
2021 81.75 11th 238 95.4%
2022 85.06 10th 260 96.2%
2023 78.35 17th 288 94.1%
2024 66.39 49th 299 83.6%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Special Education Students!

Rank History for Low Socio Economic Status students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 89.01 11th 481 97.7%
2019 72.23 64th 490 86.9%
2021 84.18 16th 483 96.7%
2022 81.03 36th 495 92.7%
2023 87.06 17th 514 96.7%
2024 79.07 49th 510 90.4%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Low Socio Economic Status Students!

Rank History for Female students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2019 82.17 52nd 529 90.2%
2021 95.61 14th 538 97.4%
2022 89.99 34th 552 93.8%
2023 88.24 44th 560 92.1%
2024 89.46 37th 554 93.3%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Female Students!

Rank History for Gifted and Talented students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2019 65.38 15th 35 57.1%
2022 79.28 2nd 23 91.3%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Gifted and Talented Students!

Rank History for Military Connected students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2024 73.55 4th 20 80.0%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Military Connected Students!

Rank History for Male students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2019 82.17 54th 523 89.7%
2021 92.38 22nd 529 95.8%
2022 87.60 38th 540 93.0%
2023 89.01 35th 557 93.7%
2024 88.74 44th 560 92.1%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Male Students!

Rank History for Asian students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2022 74.07 19th 62 69.4%
2023 76.03 14th 56 75.0%
2024 74.56 13th 65 80.0%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Asian Students!

Rank History for African American students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 87.34 21st 284 92.6%
2019 83.62 28th 293 90.4%
2021 93.49 6th 277 97.8%
2022 91.36 16th 299 94.6%
2023 92.57 15th 316 95.3%
2024 92.97 16th 318 95.0%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for African American Students!

Rank History for Hispanic students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 89.33 12th 219 94.5%
2019 95.12 7th 228 96.9%
2021 95.13 6th 261 97.7%
2022 89.99 20th 275 92.7%
2023 83.69 32nd 285 88.8%
2024 85.45 30th 285 89.5%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for Hispanic Students!

Rank History for White students at Arlington Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools TN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 79.14 65th 481 86.5%
2019 77.94 71st 484 85.3%
2021 93.02 21st 496 95.8%
2022 86.62 44th 500 91.2%
2023 86.88 52nd 503 89.7%
2024 85.53 52nd 504 89.7%
See the entire list of Best Tennessee Middle Schools for White Students!

Data source: test scores: Tennessee Department of Education, rankings:

As you review the school rankings data, please be aware that some of the information from certain demographics is missing. The reason for this omission is that the data has been redacted from the source data itself due to low population samples in these specific demographic groups.

Redacting data from low population samples is a necessary step to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the results, as small sample sizes may not be representative of the broader population. Additionally, this measure helps protect the privacy of individuals belonging to these demographic groups.

Arlington Middle Test Scores
Group by: 
District Scores:
State Scores:    

Data source: Tennessee Department of Education

Review counts

All ratings (Avg rating: 1)






by a citizen
Monday, February 1, 2021

Open Quote I was a student at this school back in 2006. Here's the short version. If your kid is shy or soft or they have a good heart, don't send them here.

Anyway, I was a student back here 15 years or so ago (2006). The bullying was very bad at this point in time. Can't say how it is now, but I can at least talk about my experience, and give some people some much needed negativity in a sea of positive yet probably fake, or lazy, reviews. I think it helps people make a more informed decision. Anyway, brace yourselves.

I hated every day I spent in this school. I was beaten in the hallways, in the locker rooms and called all sorts of colorful names. I was told to kill myself by some of the students multiple times. On the bus to and from school there was a sadistic group of kids that liked to hold me down and bend my fingers back farther than they were supposed to go, and then reset them. Over. And over. And over again. For over half a year.

I constantly went to the admissions and principle for help, but they must have had something better to do than help out a child that was quickly becoming jaded to the world. Hopefully it has changed since then, but that school is the school where I almost ended my life. Thankfully, I had a family who cared about me and the two or three friends that were there when I needed them most. So I didn't do it. There were times where I thought of hurting those that hurt me. Ever wonder how those things start? But due to my nature, I never could totally imagine actually doing such a thing. Instead I endured, and hardened my heart.

Eventually I did have to make an example of the kids that hurt me and a few others very badly. I didn't really want to, and in fact the school should have been there to stop all the beatings before, but in the end I had to defend myself. And eventually, after gathering the courage I did. Sent one of them to go to the nurses office after I had shattered his nose and bruised his ribs. Think about that. A kid, who wouldn't hurt a fly, jaded so much in one year by an experience like this that he would willingly break someones nose to make sure that not just one battle was won, but all the battles after that.

That's good right though? That I defended myself? Sure, but I still have PTSD and OCD from it. Things that affect us when we are children, stick. Don't let your kid go through what I had to go through. Just play it safe and send them somewhere else.

In my experience there were mountains of homework, and I could never keep up with it. My mother had to help me through a lot of it because there was just way too much for my little mind at the time to work through.

As for learning differences, some of the admissions officers, and one teacher in particular, thought I was slow. That teacher unfairly made me do more work than others got, because she liked to pick favorites. Hilariously this made me one of the top writers of the next school I would escape to. But that doesn't make it worth it.

At least nowadays I've been able to mentally say "up yours" to all those who doubted me, as I am now onto my third degree, with ever having graduated high-school. So I survived. But still, don't send your school here if you still hear terrible things about it, and just to be safe, if your kid is kind-hearted, just think twice before sending them here, and make sure, that if you do, that they're okay. I never told my family what I went through until just three years ago. I endured everyday by myself. It was my fault, yes, but when I was younger the OCD created the irrational fear that if I were to ever tell anyone, that it would just get worse. If you suspect it, get them out of there. Close Quote

Enrollment information for Arlington Middle

Year White African American Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander Two or More Races Not Specified Total
2015 951 142 40 68 0 0 20 0 1221
2016 979 144 41 76 1 1 25 0 1267
2017 1025 151 51 85 1 3 20 0 1336
2018 724 116 20 47 1 1 25 0 934
2019 751 117 18 46 0 1 29 0 962
2020 745 122 18 49 0 1 49 0 984
2021 709 129 15 51 1 2 54 0 961
2022 731 132 18 76 1 1 46 0 1005
2023 722 121 16 94 1 2 36 0 992
2024 692 119 22 93 1 3 46 0 976

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Enrollment/Ethnicity

For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics

Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Arlington Middle

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
2015 1221 n/a n/a 13.4
2016 1267 64.0 19.7 14.1
2017 1336 66.0 20.2 n/a
2018 934 55.7 16.7 n/a
2019 962 52.0 18.5 n/a
2020 984 50.0 19.6 n/a
2021 961 46.0 20.8 n/a
2022 1005 54.0 18.6 n/a
2023 992 50.0 19.8 n/a
2024 976 54.0 18.0 n/a

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Students eligible for discounted/free lunch:

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides low-cost or free meals to students in U.S. public and nonprofit private schools based on household income. Those with incomes below 130% of the poverty line receive free lunch, while those between 130% and 185% qualify for reduced-price lunch. The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch serves as a marker for poverty, as it reflects the socioeconomic status of families in a given school or district. A higher FRPL rate typically indicates a higher concentration of low-income families, suggesting that the school or district may face additional challenges in providing adequate resources and support for student success.

Student/Teacher Ratio Arlington Middle

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
2015 1221 n/a n/a 13.4
2016 1267 64.0 19.7 14.1
2017 1336 66.0 20.2 n/a
2018 934 55.7 16.7 n/a
2019 962 52.0 18.5 n/a
2020 984 50.0 19.6 n/a
2021 961 46.0 20.8 n/a
2022 1005 54.0 18.6 n/a
2023 992 50.0 19.8 n/a
2024 976 54.0 18.0 n/a

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Student-Teacher Ratio

Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. These and other factors contribute to the student/teacher ratio. Note: For private schools, Student/teacher ratio may not include Pre-Kindergarten.

Per Pupil Expenditures for Arlington Middle


YearExpenditures from Federal FundsExpenditures from State and Local FundsTotal Expenditures Per Pupil (All Funds)
2019 $434 (5.1%) $7,800 (91.8%) $8,493
2020 $396 (4.7%) $7,730 (92.4%) $8,367
2021 $665 (7.1%) $8,395 (90.0%) $9,332
2022 $714 (7.2%) $8,864 (89.3%) $9,927
2023 $910 (8.7%) $9,172 (88.2%) $10,404

Data source: Tennessee Department of Education
Pre and Post Pandemic Data

Impact of COVID-19 on Arlington Middle

The coronavirus has had a profound impact on education in America. Learning shifted online overnight, attendance numbers dwindled, and enrollment decreased. is making it easier for you to better assess how COVID-19 has impacted your school. Through the collection of pre-pandemic (2019) and current data, is sharing test scores, enrollment numbers and school demographics from schools across the country – and we make it easy to see how impacted schools compare locally and statewide.


Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Ranks 54th of 574 Middle schoolsRanks 43rd of 594 Middle schools

Test Scores

% proficient
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
% proficient
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
6th Grade Mathematics (Arlington Middle)74.361.9
   6th Grade Mathematics (Arlington)74.361.9
   6th Grade Mathematics (Tennessee)3933.8
6th Grade English Language Arts (Arlington Middle)60.161.5
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Arlington)60.161.5
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Tennessee)33.435.9
6th Grade Social Studies (Arlington Middle)63.476.8
   6th Grade Social Studies (Arlington)63.476.8
   6th Grade Social Studies (Tennessee)3843.4
7th Grade Mathematics (Arlington Middle)49.465.8
   7th Grade Mathematics (Arlington)49.465.8
   7th Grade Mathematics (Tennessee)33.635
7th Grade English Language Arts (Arlington Middle)51.558.1
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Arlington)51.558.1
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Tennessee)35.436.1
7th Grade Social Studies (Arlington Middle)52.768.9
   7th Grade Social Studies (Arlington)52.768.9
   7th Grade Social Studies (Tennessee)43.246.9
8th Grade Mathematics (Arlington Middle)27.950.2
   8th Grade Mathematics (Arlington)27.950.2
   8th Grade Mathematics (Tennessee)35.134
8th Grade English Language Arts (Arlington Middle)37.640.3
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Arlington)37.640.3
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Tennessee)27.126.3
8th Grade Algebra I (Arlington Middle)82.590.3
   8th Grade Algebra I (Arlington)82.590.3
   8th Grade Algebra I (Tennessee)75.676.3
8th Grade Social Studies (Arlington Middle)60.662.8
   8th Grade Social Studies (Arlington)60.662.8
   8th Grade Social Studies (Tennessee)41.541.6
All Grades Mathematics (Arlington Middle)52.860.4
   All Grades Mathematics (Arlington)6869.7
   All Grades Mathematics (Tennessee)40.838.1
All Grades English Language Arts (Arlington Middle)49.753.3
   All Grades English Language Arts (Arlington)57.562.9
   All Grades English Language Arts (Tennessee)33.736.6
All Grades Algebra I (Arlington Middle)82.590.3
   All Grades Algebra I (Arlington)3536
   All Grades Algebra I (Tennessee)27.423.2
All Grades Social Studies (Arlington Middle)58.769.5
   All Grades Social Studies (Arlington)58.769.5
   All Grades Social Studies (Tennessee)40.943.9

Student Body

Number of students
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Number of students
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Total Students962992
African American117121
American Indian01
Pacific Islander12
Two or More Races2936

Schools Near Arlington Middle

Frequently Asked Questions about Arlington Middle

Students at Arlington Middle are 71% White, 12% African American, 10% Hispanic, 5% Two or more races, 2% Asian.

Students who attend Arlington Middle usually go on to attend Arlington High

In the 2023-24 school year, 976 students attended Arlington Middle.

Yes. Arlington Middle ranks in the top 6.6% of Tennessee middle schools.

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SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Tennessee Department of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.


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