The 29045 zip code area is home to 6 schools, including 5 elementary schools and 1 middle school, with no high schools or alternative schools in the list. While some schools in this area, such as Bookman Road Elementary and Catawba Trail Elementary, are consistently high-performing, others, like Blaney Elementary and Leslie M. Stover Middle, are struggling to meet proficiency targets.
The schools in this area have varying racial compositions, with some having a majority white student population, while others have a majority African American student population. The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch also ranges widely, from 59.39% at Catawba Trail Elementary to 100% at Blaney Elementary, indicating a wide range of socioeconomic backgrounds among the schools. The spending per student also varies significantly, from $10,255 at Blaney Elementary to $14,430 at Bookman Road Elementary.
The data suggests a correlation between socioeconomic status and academic performance, with the schools serving more disadvantaged populations generally performing worse. Addressing these disparities and ensuring equitable funding and resource allocation could help to improve the overall performance of the district. Additionally, fostering collaboration and sharing of best practices among the high-performing and struggling schools could help to raise the bar for all students in the Kershaw 01 and Richland 02 districts.
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