The Cornell School District in Pennsylvania has only one high school, Cornell High School, which serves grades 9-12. The school's performance data reveals that it consistently underperforms compared to the district and state averages, with low proficiency rates in core academic subjects and a below-average graduation rate.
Cornell High School has a statewide ranking of 565 out of 686 Pennsylvania high schools and receives a 1-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's four-year graduation rate is 87.5%, slightly below the state average. Academically, the school struggles, with only 7.6% of students proficient or better in PSSA/Math, compared to 26.2% in the district and 40.4% statewide. The school's performance in PSSA/English Language Arts is slightly better at 33.4% proficient or better, but still below the district and state averages.
The data also reveals that Cornell High School has a high percentage of students (86.31%) receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a high level of economic disadvantage among the student population. This socioeconomic factor may be contributing to the school's lower academic performance, and the district's relatively high spending per student of $28,642 suggests that additional targeted interventions and support may be needed to address the achievement gaps and improve student outcomes.
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