Hammon, Oklahoma is home to a single high school, Hammon High School, which serves a relatively small student population of 81 students. The school's student body is predominantly White (51.85%) and Native American (28.4%), with a high percentage (67.9%) of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a significant level of economic need in the community.
Hammon High School has shown consistent improvement in its statewide ranking over the past several years, moving from 218th out of 449 high schools in 2014-2015 to 97th out of 439 high schools in 2022-2023. This suggests the school is making progress in improving its academic performance. However, the school's academic proficiency rates vary significantly across subject areas, with English Language Arts and U.S. History performing better than Mathematics and Science. The school's high spending of $27,605 per student, well above the national average, could indicate a focus on providing resources and support for the students, but it's important to analyze how these funds are being utilized and whether they are translating into improved academic outcomes.
Overall, Hammon High School appears to be a small, but improving school that is serving a community with significant economic challenges. While the school's consistent improvement in statewide ranking is a positive sign, there are still areas for growth and improvement, particularly in addressing the uneven academic performance across subject areas and ensuring that the high level of spending is effectively supporting student success.
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