The Cimarron school district in Oklahoma consists of one elementary school, Cimarron Elementary School, and one high school, Cimarron High School, serving a total of 193 students. The data reveals that both schools face academic challenges, with low proficiency rates in core subjects and a history of low to moderate statewide rankings.
Cimarron Elementary School stands out for its relatively low statewide ranking, high percentage of free/reduced lunch recipients (82.64%), and below-average spending per student ($8,056). However, the school's small student-teacher ratio of 11.7 suggests a potentially more personalized learning environment. In contrast, Cimarron High School has a moderate statewide ranking, a graduation rate below the state average (80.1%), and low proficiency rates in English Language Arts (10-27.3%) and Mathematics (20-27.3%). The high school also has a high percentage of free/reduced lunch recipients (69.39%) and spends more per student ($11,911) than the state average.
The data highlights the socioeconomic challenges faced by the Cimarron school district, with both schools serving a predominantly low-income student population. This may contribute to the academic struggles observed across the district. The difference in spending per student between the elementary and high school suggests a need for a more equitable distribution of resources, while the small student-teacher ratios at both schools could be a potential strength if leveraged effectively to support student success.
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