The small town of Battiest, Oklahoma is home to two schools that serve students from elementary through high school - Battiest Elementary School and Battiest High School. Both schools have consistently ranked in the top 25% of their respective grade levels statewide, indicating a strong educational system for the community.
Battiest Elementary School stands out with its impressive English Language Arts proficiency rates, with 66% of 3rd graders scoring proficient or better, far exceeding the state average of 29%. However, the school also serves a high-need student population, with 77.85% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. In contrast, Battiest High School has a slightly lower free/reduced lunch rate of 65.67%, but its graduation rate of 80.1% in 2021-2022 could be an area for improvement.
The data also reveals differences in resource allocation, with Battiest High School spending $18,631 per student, significantly more than the $10,250 spent per student at Battiest Elementary School. This higher investment in the high school may be a strategic decision to support students as they transition to the next stage of their education. Overall, the Battiest school district appears to be providing a solid educational foundation for its students, with both schools demonstrating strong academic performance.
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