The Educational Academy for Boys & Girls is the sole elementary school located in the Educational Academy for Boys & Girls district in Columbus, Ohio. This public charter school serves grades K-5 and has a total enrollment of 143 students, with a predominantly Hispanic student population (90.91%).
Despite the school's diverse student body, the Educational Academy for Boys & Girls has consistently ranked in the bottom 20% of Ohio elementary schools over the past three school years. The school's academic performance is significantly below the state average, with proficiency rates ranging from 20% in 5th grade Science to 45% in 5th grade English Language Arts, compared to the state averages of 64% and 70.6%, respectively. The school also faces challenges with a high chronic absenteeism rate of 22.6% and a relatively high student-teacher ratio of 28.6 to 1.
While the Educational Academy for Boys & Girls serves a diverse student population, the data suggests that the school is struggling to provide a high-quality education to its students. Addressing the school's low academic performance, high chronic absenteeism, and resource allocation issues should be the focus of the school's improvement efforts to ensure that all students have access to a quality education.
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