Choice Charter School is the sole elementary school serving grades PK-5 in the Bronx, New York, with a total enrollment of 235 students. Based on the available data, this school does not appear to be a standout performer, as its academic achievement lags behind state averages and its overall ranking places it in the bottom 20% of New York elementary schools.
The student population at Choice Charter School is predominantly Hispanic (64.68%) and African American (27.66%), reflecting the demographics of the surrounding community. However, the school's proficiency rates on state assessments in English Language Arts and Math are significantly below the state averages across all grade levels. For example, in 5th grade, only 38.46% of students were proficient in ELA, compared to the state average of 45.09%, and just 18.52% were proficient in Math, compared to the state average of 49.69%.
Despite relatively high spending of $21,257 per student, Choice Charter School has struggled to translate this investment into improved academic outcomes for its students. The school's SchoolDigger ranking has fluctuated over the past three years, but it has consistently been in the bottom 20% of New York elementary schools, suggesting that the school's performance has not improved and may even be declining relative to other schools in the state.
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