Sandoval Academy of Bilingual Education is the sole elementary school located within the Sandoval Academy of Bilingual Education district, a public charter school serving grades K-8 in Rio Rancho, New Mexico. With a total enrollment of 228 students, the school stands out as a unique educational option in the area, focusing on bilingual education.
Academically, Sandoval Academy of Bilingual Education has shown steady improvement in its statewide ranking, moving from 233rd to 186th out of 420-435 New Mexico elementary schools over the past three years. The school outperforms the state average in English Language Arts proficiency, with 45% of students scoring proficient or better, compared to the state average of 39%. However, the school lags behind in Mathematics proficiency, with only 20% of students scoring proficient or better, compared to the state average of 25%. Science proficiency at the school matches the state average of 36%.
Notably, 75.88% of students at Sandoval Academy of Bilingual Education qualify for free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students. The school's student-teacher ratio of 13.3 to 1 is lower than the state average, suggesting smaller class sizes. As a bilingual education school, Sandoval Academy of Bilingual Education likely offers a unique educational experience for its students, with a focus on developing proficiency in both English and another language.
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