The Woodlynne School District consists of a single elementary school, Woodlynne Boro Public School, serving grades PK-8 with a total enrollment of 383 students. The school and district are both ranked in the bottom third of New Jersey schools, with Woodlynne Boro Public School ranked 956 out of 1,338 elementary schools and the district ranked 533 out of 613 districts statewide.
Woodlynne Boro Public School struggles with consistently low academic performance, with proficiency rates on state assessments well below the state averages across all grade levels and subject areas. The school's proficiency rates range from 25.7% to 53.3% in English Language Arts and 3.4% to 38.9% in Mathematics, compared to state averages of 43.6% to 53.9% in ELA and 19.4% to 47.6% in Math. The school also has a high chronic absenteeism rate of 16.6%, further contributing to its academic challenges.
Despite the school's relatively high per-student spending of $13,716 and low student-teacher ratio of 10.1 to 1, the academic performance remains poor, suggesting that the resources may not be effectively utilized or targeted to address the specific needs of the student population. The school serves a high-poverty community, with 83.03% of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, which may be a significant factor in the school's struggles and could require targeted interventions and support to address the needs of the student population.
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