Lakeside Charter Academy is the sole elementary school serving grades K-8 in the Lakeside Charter Academy district in Cornelius, North Carolina. With a total enrollment of 235 students, the school has consistently ranked in the bottom half of North Carolina elementary schools, performing significantly below the state average on standardized tests across all grade levels and subject areas.
The student population at Lakeside Charter Academy is diverse, with 45.11% White, 20% African American, and 26.38% Hispanic students. However, the school's low performance and demographic information suggest that it likely serves a significant population of economically disadvantaged students. Despite having a slightly lower student-teacher ratio of 13.8 compared to the state average, the school has struggled to improve student outcomes and close achievement gaps.
The consistently low performance and declining statewide ranking of Lakeside Charter Academy indicate that the school is facing significant challenges in effectively serving its diverse student population. The school's performance gaps and potential challenges faced by its students suggest that substantial interventions and improvements are needed to ensure that all students at Lakeside Charter Academy receive a high-quality education.
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