The city of Broadus, Montana is home to 3 schools serving grades K-12, including 1 elementary school, 1 middle school, and 1 high school. While the schools in Broadus have some areas of strength, such as low student-teacher ratios, they also face challenges, including fluctuating statewide rankings and a lack of racial diversity.
Broadus School, the elementary school, has seen its statewide ranking fluctuate between 207th and 249th out of 329-356 elementary schools in Montana over the past three years, with a current ranking of 207th and a 2-star rating. In contrast, Powder River County District High School has experienced significant changes in its statewide ranking, going from 92nd out of 124 high schools in 2022-2023 to 22nd out of 114 high schools in 2021-2022. This suggests that the schools may be experiencing instability or inconsistency in their performance.
Regarding racial diversity, the schools in Broadus appear to have a relatively homogeneous student population, with the majority of students being white. Broadus 7-8, the middle school, has the highest percentage of white students at 92.11%, while Powder River County District High School has 90.54% white students. This lack of racial diversity could be an area for the Broadus Elementary District and the Powder River County District High School to explore and address.
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