Ambition Preparatory Charter School is an elementary school in Jackson, Mississippi, serving 395 students in grades K-5. The school is part of the Jackson Public School District, which is ranked 118 out of 130 districts in the state and has a 0-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Ambition Preparatory Charter School consistently underperforms the state average in proficiency rates for English Language Arts and Mathematics across all grade levels. For example, in 2023-2024, the school's 3rd grade ELA proficiency rate was 25% compared to the state average of 57.7%. The school's 5th grade Science proficiency rate in 2023-2024 was 60.6%, lower than the state average of 71.2%. Ambition Preparatory Charter School has a low statewide ranking, placing between 333 and 341 out of 377-390 elementary schools in Mississippi over the past two school years, and has received a 0-star or 1-star rating from SchoolDigger, indicating it is among the lowest-performing schools in the state.
Interestingly, Ambition Preparatory Charter School's academic performance is significantly lower than that of nearby public schools, such as Clausell Elementary, Pecan Park Elementary, and Dawson Elementary, which are part of the Jackson Public School District. These nearby schools, while still underperforming the state average in some areas, generally have higher proficiency rates in ELA and Mathematics compared to Ambition Preparatory Charter School. The high percentage of students eligible for free and reduced lunch at Ambition Preparatory Charter School, as well as the nearby public schools, suggests that the school serves a predominantly low-income community, which may contribute to the academic challenges faced by the school and its students.
Students at Ambition Preparatory Charter School are 99% African American.
Ambition Preparatory Charter School
Ambition Preparatory Charter School ranks in the bottom 14.6% of Mississippi elementary schools.
In the 2023-24 school year, 472 students attended Ambition Preparatory Charter School.