Anthony Middle


Anthony Middle is a public middle school located in Minneapolis, Minnesota, serving 763 students in grades 6-8. The school is part of the Minneapolis Public School District, which is ranked 322 out of 463 districts in the state.

Anthony Middle consistently ranks among the top 25-43 middle schools in Minnesota, with a 5-star rating from SchoolDigger in recent years. The school's proficiency rates in MCA-III Math and Reading assessments are significantly higher than the district and state averages across all grade levels. For example, in 2023-2024, 63.37% of Anthony Middle students were proficient or better in MCA-III Reading, compared to 40.06% for the Minneapolis district and 49.85% for the state. Anthony Middle's performance is particularly strong for White and Multi-racial student subgroups, ranking in the top 20-30 middle schools in Minnesota.

Compared to nearby schools, Anthony Middle stands out for its diverse student population, with a higher percentage of non-White students than schools like South View Middle and Justice Page Middle. Additionally, Anthony Middle has relatively low free/reduced lunch rates, ranging from 15.39% to 36.08% in recent years, which is lower than the rates at nearby schools like Richfield Middle (67.66%) and the Hiawatha and Venture Academy charter schools (over 85%).


Public 6-8

 5757 Irving Ave S
       Minneapolis, MN  55419-8888

(612) 668-3240

District: Minneapolis Public School District

SchoolDigger Rank:
43rd of 545 Minnesota Middle Schools

Per Pupil Expenditures:  $11,680 Help

Students who attend Anthony Middle usually attend:

High:    Southwest High - SWS

Feeder schools for Anthony Middle:

Elementary:    Armatage Elementary
    Kenny Elementary
    Lake Harriet Lower Elementary
    Windom Elementary

Student/teacher ratio:  20.9 Help
Number of students:  735

Racial breakdown:

African American:

Free/discounted lunch recipients:  23.3% Help

 See top rated Minnesota middle schools

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Performance Trends
Compare Details Anthony Middle ranks better than 92.1% of middle schools in Minnesota. It also ranks first among 7 ranked middle schools in the Minneapolis Public School District! (See more...)
Compare Details In 2024 the calculated Average Standard Score was 86.79. (See more...)
Student Body
Compare Details Racial makeup is: White (70.5%), African American (9.3%), Hispanic (8.7%). (See more...)
Compare Details 23.3% of students are receiving a free or discounted lunch. This is the lowest percentage in the Minneapolis Public School District. (See more...)
Compare Details The student/teacher ratio at Anthony Middle is 20.9, which is the highest among 7 middle schools in the Minneapolis Public School District! (See more...)
Compare Anthony Middle employs 35 full-time teachers.
Compare Details The average total spent per student at Anthony Middle is $11,680, which is the lowest among 7 middle schools in the Minneapolis Public School District!
Schooldigger 2024 Rankings:

Anthony Middle:

SchoolDigger ranks Anthony Middle 43rd of 545 Minnesota public middle schools. (See Anthony Middle in the ranking list.)

Middle School Test Score Ratings by Student Subgroup:

Multi-racial students:
English Language Learner students:
Special Education students:
Low Socio Economic Status students:
Homeless students:
Female students:
Male students:
African American students:
Hispanic students:
White students:

Minneapolis Public School District:

SchoolDigger ranks Minneapolis Public School District 322nd of 463 Minnesota school districts. (See district ranking list.)

Average Parent Rating:

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Rank History for Anthony Middle


Rank History for all students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2004 54.70 215th 387 44.4%
2005 61.15 188th 396 52.5%
2006 65.87 140th 406 65.5%
2007 73.05 84th 403 79.2%
2008 68.94 119th 409 70.9%
2009 71.65 55th 230 76.1%
2010 72.77 96th 454 78.9%
2011 76.36 84th 478 82.4%
2012 63.97 177th 469 62.3%
2013 73.70 103rd 488 78.9%
2014 71.83 118th 490 75.9%
2015 69.06 140th 516 72.9%
2016 70.56 131st 508 74.2%
2017 65.51 173rd 523 66.9%
2018 70.07 134th 518 74.1%
2019 67.91 154th 533 71.1%
2021 71.18 118th 521 77.4%
2022 88.65 31st 520 94.0%
2023 90.86 25th 529 95.3%
2024 86.79 43rd 545 92.1%
See the entire list of Minnesota Middle School Rankings!

Rank History for Multi-racial students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2021 40.91 60th 97 38.1%
2022 81.34 20th 131 84.7%
2023 78.97 20th 107 81.3%
2024 77.64 21st 116 81.9%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Multi-racial Students!

Rank History for English Language Learner students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 32.97 80th 109 26.6%
2019 72.94 14th 120 88.3%
2021 67.99 11th 102 89.2%
2024 48.55 54th 158 65.8%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for English Language Learner Students!

Rank History for Special Education students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 55.94 102nd 253 59.7%
2019 68.25 61st 282 78.4%
2021 64.57 61st 260 76.5%
2022 46.44 147th 288 49.0%
2023 63.37 80th 298 73.2%
2024 82.86 25th 307 91.9%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Special Education Students!

Rank History for Low Socio Economic Status students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 41.65 264th 401 34.2%
2019 36.16 289th 415 30.4%
2021 60.08 116th 399 70.9%
2022 42.40 236th 404 41.6%
2023 64.35 121st 459 73.6%
2024 59.76 153rd 473 67.7%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Low Socio Economic Status Students!

Rank History for Homeless students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2024 56.36 10th 30 66.7%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Homeless Students!

Rank History for Female students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 67.28 131st 436 70.0%
2019 65.40 140th 439 68.1%
2021 60.41 145th 443 67.3%
2022 85.50 35th 467 92.5%
2023 90.15 21st 455 95.4%
2024 91.81 19th 474 96.0%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Female Students!

Rank History for Male students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 67.74 129th 438 70.5%
2019 64.43 155th 454 65.9%
2021 74.59 88th 437 79.9%
2022 87.08 33rd 476 93.1%
2023 86.60 37th 464 92.0%
2024 75.54 81st 479 83.1%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Male Students!

Rank History for Asian students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2023 66.24 37th 116 68.1%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Asian Students!

Rank History for African American students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 44.31 76th 137 44.5%
2019 46.00 72nd 148 51.4%
2021 42.45 86th 141 39.0%
2022 51.16 72nd 162 55.6%
2023 60.40 54th 164 67.1%
2024 51.75 70th 179 60.9%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for African American Students!

Rank History for Hispanic students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 63.67 38th 163 76.7%
2019 67.60 38th 171 77.8%
2021 64.53 38th 156 75.6%
2022 61.66 55th 188 70.7%
2023 67.69 33rd 178 81.5%
2024 53.41 71st 186 61.8%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for Hispanic Students!

Rank History for White students at Anthony Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools MN State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2018 90.73 15th 428 96.5%
2019 83.76 37th 428 91.4%
2021 80.79 47th 422 88.9%
2022 89.53 25th 438 94.3%
2023 91.89 20th 436 95.4%
2024 88.79 29th 440 93.4%
See the entire list of Best Minnesota Middle Schools for White Students!

Data source: test scores: Minnesota Department of Education, rankings:

As you review the school rankings data, please be aware that some of the information from certain demographics is missing. The reason for this omission is that the data has been redacted from the source data itself due to low population samples in these specific demographic groups.

Redacting data from low population samples is a necessary step to ensure the reliability and accuracy of the results, as small sample sizes may not be representative of the broader population. Additionally, this measure helps protect the privacy of individuals belonging to these demographic groups.

Anthony Middle Test Scores
Group by: 
District Scores:
State Scores:    

Data source: Minnesota Department of Education

Review counts

All ratings (Avg rating: 2.8)






by a parent
Thursday, April 7, 2016

Open Quote This school is awful. Please do not send your kids here. Teachers and administrators knowing violate state law.

Each school district shall have a procedure for a parent, guardian, or an adult student, 18 years of age or older, to review the content of the instructional materials to be provided to a minor child or to an adult student and, if the parent, guardian, or adult student objects to the content, to make reasonable arrangements with school personnel for alternative instruction. ... School personnel may not impose an academic or other penalty upon a student merely for arranging alternative instruction under this section. [Minnesota Statutes 120B.20] Close Quote

by a parent
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Open Quote I am extremely disappointed in AMS. The communication about any/everything happening at the school is non-existent. The majority of my child's teachers have been callous and uninterested in helping reach goals and overcome hurdles. I fault the administration for building a community that is only interested in some of their student's well being and achievement. My child's self-confidence and interest in learning has decreased dramatically in one academic year; I am heartbroken and disappointed. Close Quote

by a teacher
Monday, April 2, 2012

Open Quote I teach at Anthony and have taught there since 2003. It is an amazing school with outstanding leadership. We are currently going through the authorization process to become an IB (international baccalaureate) school. Amazing things are happening at Anthony every day. The teachers strive to deliver a rigorous curriculum and do many things to strengthen our school community and foster togetherness. It is a place where the students WANT to be. Close Quote

by a parent
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Open Quote I had REALLY high hopes for this school! My daughter and I picked it because we had heard great things about it, we visited it and it seemed to have a lot to offer, great sports and other extra curriculars. Well, if you are looking for a school where a 6th grader can jump into all the action DO NOT pick this school. It has HORRIBLE communication, so if you're not on the PTA or otherwise actively involved, because you have work and other things that you need to do, don't expect to be kept in the loop about anything. Also, we were told almost immediately after the start of the school year that it would be a waste of my daughter's time to even try out for volleyball, as most 6th graders don't make it. Drama Club - nope - they didn't have auditions or anything it was just random, some kids who wanted in got in and some, like my daughter didn't. So far she has wanted to do volleyball, drama club and softball and hasn't gotten to do any. There has been NO communciation about when practices or tryouts are for any sports. Nothing. A total disappointment!!!! Close Quote

Enrollment information for Anthony Middle

Year White African American Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander Two or More Races Not Specified Total
1988 406 186 28 11 14 n/a n/a 0 645
1989 464 212 28 8 12 n/a n/a 0 724
1990 430 203 31 6 16 n/a n/a 0 686
1991 418 222 31 16 12 n/a n/a 0 699
1992 444 209 26 7 6 n/a n/a 0 692
1993 414 188 36 5 9 n/a n/a 0 652
1994 448 221 60 7 7 n/a n/a 0 743
1995 454 220 48 17 18 n/a n/a 0 757
1996 454 220 48 17 18 n/a n/a 0 757
1997 417 217 64 49 14 n/a n/a 0 761
1998 411 219 57 41 13 n/a n/a 0 741
1999 402 246 82 22 11 n/a n/a 0 763
2000 371 218 81 22 9 n/a n/a 0 701
2001 366 247 53 27 14 n/a n/a 0 707
2002 350 332 47 29 20 n/a n/a 0 778
2003 350 332 47 29 20 n/a n/a 0 778
2004 321 269 35 31 21 n/a n/a 0 677
2005 302 231 24 26 19 n/a n/a 0 602
2006 288 186 15 32 13 n/a n/a 0 534
2007 295 157 16 39 12 n/a n/a 0 519
2008 315 137 22 43 13 n/a n/a 0 530
2009 332 125 33 49 11 n/a n/a 0 550
2010 368 146 25 53 8 n/a n/a 0 600
2011 416 198 42 76 13 1 3 0 749
2012 486 231 50 88 10 0 1 0 866
2013 457 235 49 92 11 0 2 0 846
2014 404 256 41 67 6 0 2 0 776
2015 327 212 27 54 11 0 2 0 633
2016 360 207 31 64 10 0 6 0 678
2017 392 201 23 69 8 0 9 0 702
2018 421 216 22 73 8 1 22 0 763
2019 423 213 26 90 3 2 24 0 781
2020 411 189 24 79 2 2 31 0 738
2021 372 179 24 80 1 1 36 0 693
2022 614 86 25 56 5 1 51 0 838
2023 537 80 22 56 4 2 62 0 763
2024 518 68 18 64 5 2 60 0 735

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Enrollment/Ethnicity

For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics

Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Anthony Middle

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
1988 645 34.6 18.6 20.2
1989 724 37.6 19.2 18.8
1990 686 34.6 19.8 20.7
1991 699 32.9 21.2 26.6
1992 692 37.8 18.3 26.4
1993 652 37.3 17.5 26.7
1994 743 44.8 16.6 29.5
1995 757 0.0 0.0 26.8
1996 757 0.0 0.0 26.8
1997 761 48.4 15.7 33.1
1998 741 n/a 0.0 35.9
1999 763 56.4 13.5 36.3
2000 701 53.2 13.2 42.1
2001 707 52.1 13.6 42.9
2002 778 53.6 14.5 48.7
2003 778 53.6 14.5 48.7
2004 677 40.8 16.6 50.1
2005 602 33.2 18.1 46
2006 534 29.4 18.2 41.9
2007 519 27.0 19.2 39.3
2008 530 27.1 19.6 35.3
2009 550 28.3 19.4 30
2010 600 33.6 17.8 32.5
2011 749 39.8 18.8 37.4
2012 866 44.5 19.4 36.1
2013 846 44.2 19.1 38.5
2014 776 40.6 19.0 41.6
2015 633 38.0 16.6 43
2016 678 40.0 16.9 42.3
2017 702 38.0 18.4 46.3
2018 763 40.1 19.0 41.9
2019 781 40.3 19.3 37.9
2020 738 38.3 19.2 35.2
2021 693 19.4 35.6 36.1
2022 838 24.6 34.0 15.4
2023 763 20.1 37.7 22.1
2024 735 35.0 20.9 23.3

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Students eligible for discounted/free lunch:

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides low-cost or free meals to students in U.S. public and nonprofit private schools based on household income. Those with incomes below 130% of the poverty line receive free lunch, while those between 130% and 185% qualify for reduced-price lunch. The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch serves as a marker for poverty, as it reflects the socioeconomic status of families in a given school or district. A higher FRPL rate typically indicates a higher concentration of low-income families, suggesting that the school or district may face additional challenges in providing adequate resources and support for student success.

Student/Teacher Ratio Anthony Middle

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
1988 645 34.6 18.6 20.2
1989 724 37.6 19.2 18.8
1990 686 34.6 19.8 20.7
1991 699 32.9 21.2 26.6
1992 692 37.8 18.3 26.4
1993 652 37.3 17.5 26.7
1994 743 44.8 16.6 29.5
1995 757 0.0 0.0 26.8
1996 757 0.0 0.0 26.8
1997 761 48.4 15.7 33.1
1998 741 n/a 0.0 35.9
1999 763 56.4 13.5 36.3
2000 701 53.2 13.2 42.1
2001 707 52.1 13.6 42.9
2002 778 53.6 14.5 48.7
2003 778 53.6 14.5 48.7
2004 677 40.8 16.6 50.1
2005 602 33.2 18.1 46
2006 534 29.4 18.2 41.9
2007 519 27.0 19.2 39.3
2008 530 27.1 19.6 35.3
2009 550 28.3 19.4 30
2010 600 33.6 17.8 32.5
2011 749 39.8 18.8 37.4
2012 866 44.5 19.4 36.1
2013 846 44.2 19.1 38.5
2014 776 40.6 19.0 41.6
2015 633 38.0 16.6 43
2016 678 40.0 16.9 42.3
2017 702 38.0 18.4 46.3
2018 763 40.1 19.0 41.9
2019 781 40.3 19.3 37.9
2020 738 38.3 19.2 35.2
2021 693 19.4 35.6 36.1
2022 838 24.6 34.0 15.4
2023 763 20.1 37.7 22.1
2024 735 35.0 20.9 23.3

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Student-Teacher Ratio

Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. These and other factors contribute to the student/teacher ratio. Note: For private schools, Student/teacher ratio may not include Pre-Kindergarten.

Per Pupil Expenditures for Anthony Middle


YearTotal Expenditures Per Pupil
2019 $11,680

Data source: Minnesota Department of Education
Pre and Post Pandemic Data

Impact of COVID-19 on Anthony Middle

The coronavirus has had a profound impact on education in America. Learning shifted online overnight, attendance numbers dwindled, and enrollment decreased. is making it easier for you to better assess how COVID-19 has impacted your school. Through the collection of pre-pandemic (2019) and current data, is sharing test scores, enrollment numbers and school demographics from schools across the country – and we make it easy to see how impacted schools compare locally and statewide.


Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Ranks 154th of 533 Middle schoolsRanks 25th of 529 Middle schools

Test Scores

% proficient
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
% proficient
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
6th Grade Math (Anthony Middle)51.663.7
   6th Grade Math (Minneapolis Public School District)3730.7
   6th Grade Math (Minnesota)50.539.7
6th Grade Reading (Anthony Middle)6674.8
   6th Grade Reading (Minneapolis Public School District)48.341.1
   6th Grade Reading (Minnesota)62.853.4
7th Grade Math (Anthony Middle)61.257
   7th Grade Math (Minneapolis Public School District)40.329.2
   7th Grade Math (Minnesota)52.139.7
7th Grade Reading (Anthony Middle)62.559.5
   7th Grade Reading (Minneapolis Public School District)46.636.3
   7th Grade Reading (Minnesota)57.545.2
8th Grade Math (Anthony Middle)59.759.8
   8th Grade Math (Minneapolis Public School District)41.129.8
   8th Grade Math (Minnesota)55.240.3
8th Grade Reading (Anthony Middle)55.264.6
   8th Grade Reading (Minneapolis Public School District)45.336.6
   8th Grade Reading (Minnesota)57.744.8
8th Grade Science (Anthony Middle)45.339.8
   8th Grade Science (Minneapolis Public School District)33.223.8
   8th Grade Science (Minnesota)4327.6

Student Body

Number of students
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Number of students
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Total Students781763
African American21380
American Indian34
Pacific Islander22
Two or More Races2462
% Free/Discounted Lunch Recipients37.9%22.1%

Schools Near Anthony Middle

Frequently Asked Questions about Anthony Middle

Yes. Anthony Middle ranks in the top 7.9% of Minnesota middle schools.

Students at Anthony Middle are 70% White, 9% African American, 9% Hispanic, 8% Two or more races, 2% Asian.

Students who attend Anthony Middle usually go on to attend Southwest High - SWS

In the 2023-24 school year, 735 students attended Anthony Middle.

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SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Minnesota Department of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.


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