Cherry Elementary is a public elementary school located in Iron, Minnesota, serving grades PK-6 with a student population of 307. The school faces several challenges, including a lack of racial diversity, below-average academic performance, and growing economic disadvantage among its student population.
Cherry Elementary's academic performance, as measured by MCA-III test scores, is generally below the state average across all grades and subjects. For example, in 2023-2024, the school's proficiency rates in math and reading for all grades were 37.04% and 56.79%, respectively, compared to the state averages of 45.47% and 49.85%. The school's performance also varies across different student subgroups, with male students performing better than the state average in math, while female students and white students perform significantly worse. Additionally, special education students at the school rank in the bottom 25% of Nashwauk-Keewatin School District.
When compared to nearby elementary schools, such as Merritt Elementary, Cherry Elementary generally performs worse academically, with lower proficiency rates in math, reading, and science. The increase in the percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch at Cherry Elementary, from 32.04% in 2021-2022 to 43.97% in 2022-2023, suggests that the school is serving a growing population of economically disadvantaged students, which may be a contributing factor to the school's lower academic performance. To address these challenges, the school may need to implement targeted interventions and strategies to support the unique needs of its student subgroups, while also exploring ways to collaborate with the surrounding community and nearby schools to share best practices and resources.
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