The city of Charlevoix, Michigan is home to 3 schools serving students from elementary through high school, including 1 elementary school, 1 middle/high school, and 1 alternative school. The data reveals that Charlevoix Middle High School and Charlevoix Elementary School are standout performers, consistently ranking among the top schools in the state and outperforming state averages on academic measures. In contrast, the CharEm Special Education Schools serve a unique population of students with specialized needs, with lower graduation rates and higher dropout and chronic absenteeism rates, but significantly higher spending per student.
Academically, Charlevoix Middle High School and Charlevoix Elementary School stand out, with students scoring well above state averages on M-Step and SAT tests. Charlevoix Middle High School also boasts a high 4-year graduation rate of 90.9% and a low dropout rate of 1.5%. In contrast, CharEm Special Education Schools have a 0.0% 4-year graduation rate and a high 20.0% dropout rate, likely due to the specialized nature of the school and the additional resources required to support their students.
The racial demographics of the schools vary, with Charlevoix Middle High School and Charlevoix Elementary School having a predominantly white student population, while CharEm Special Education Schools have a more diverse student body. The data highlights the importance of considering both academic performance and student support metrics when evaluating the overall quality of a school, as the high-performing Charlevoix schools demonstrate strong academic outcomes, while the alternative school prioritizes specialized support for its students.
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