The 66612 zip code area of Topeka, Kansas is home to 3 schools - 1 elementary school and 2 high schools. Based on the available data, these schools are generally underperforming compared to state averages, with low proficiency rates on standardized tests across all grades and subjects.
Topeka High and Williams Science and Fine Arts Magnet School both have very low proficiency rates, ranging from 11.8% to 21.53% in English Language Arts, Math, and Science. In contrast, 500 Reach high school does not have any reported test score data. The schools also serve vastly different student populations, with Topeka High and Williams Science and Fine Arts Magnet School having free/reduced lunch rates over 70%, while 500 Reach is much lower at 6.12%.
Spending per student also varies significantly, with 500 Reach spending just $2,535 per student compared to $11,941 at Topeka High and $12,909 at Williams Science and Fine Arts Magnet School. The student-teacher ratios are lower at Williams Science and Fine Arts Magnet School (10.7) than Topeka High (15.9), but this does not appear to be translating into stronger academic performance. Overall, the schools in this area face significant challenges in effectively serving their student populations.
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