The Massac Junior High School is the sole middle school located within the Massac UD 1 school district in Illinois. Despite serving a student population with a high rate of economic disadvantage, Massac Junior High School stands out as a top-performing middle school, ranking in the top 16% of all Illinois middle schools.
Massac Junior High School has maintained a consistent 4-star rating from SchoolDigger for the past three school years, indicating sustained excellence in its academic performance. The school's students significantly outperform their peers across the state in English Language Arts, Math, and Science assessments, with proficiency rates that exceed the state averages by a wide margin. This suggests the school is providing a high-quality education and effectively supporting student learning, even with the socioeconomic challenges its student population faces.
The Massac UD 1 district, which Massac Junior High School is a part of, is also performing well, ranking in the top 25% of Illinois districts. This further highlights the strength of the educational opportunities available within the Massac UD 1 community, with the district as a whole delivering strong academic results.
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