The 83544 zip code area is home to 4 schools, including 2 elementary schools and 2 high schools, with no middle schools or alternative schools. Among these, Orofino Elementary School stands out as a top performer, ranking 101 out of 252 Idaho elementary schools and outperforming the Orofino Joint District and state averages in ISAT proficiency for Math, Science, and English Language Arts. In contrast, Orofino High School and Timberline High School have lower ISAT proficiency rates compared to the district and state.
The student demographics in this area are predominantly white, ranging from 88.03% to 95.56% white students. Timberline Elementary has the highest percentage of free/reduced lunch recipients at 62.22%, indicating a higher proportion of economically disadvantaged students. Interestingly, Timberline Elementary also has the highest chronic absenteeism rate at 34.9%, while Orofino Elementary has the lowest at 18.5%.
The per-student spending across the schools varies significantly, with Timberline Elementary spending the most at $28,750 per student and Timberline High School spending the least at $6,238 per student. This disparity in resource allocation raises questions about equity within the Orofino Joint District.
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