The city of Roberta, Georgia has 4 schools serving students from elementary through high school, all of which are performing significantly below the state average on key metrics like test scores and graduation rates. Based on the available data, there are no clear standout schools in the Crawford County school district.
The highest performing school appears to be Crawford County Middle School, which had the best test scores among the schools, with 92% of students proficient or better in Algebra I in 2023-2024. However, the school is still ranked in the bottom half of Georgia middle schools. The other schools, including Crawford County High School and the two elementary schools, all have very low test scores and rankings compared to the state averages.
Across the district, the schools face significant challenges, with consistently low performance on metrics like test scores, graduation rates, and economic disadvantage as indicated by the high free and reduced lunch rates. Addressing these systemic issues will be crucial to improving educational outcomes for students in the Roberta, Georgia community.
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