Wellington Landings Middle


Wellington Landings Middle is a public middle school located in Wellington, Florida, serving grades 6-8 with a total enrollment of 1,230 students. The school is part of the Palm Beach County School District, which is ranked 41 out of 68 districts in Florida and has a 2-star rating from SchoolDigger.

Wellington Landings Middle consistently outperforms the Palm Beach County and Florida state averages in various standardized test scores, including EOC/Algebra 1, EOC/Civics, Statewide Science/Science, and FAST/English Language Arts and Math. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, the school had a 100% proficiency rate in EOC/Algebra 1, compared to 58% for Palm Beach County and 55% for Florida. The school has also maintained a strong statewide ranking, placing in the top 20% of Florida middle schools in recent years, and earning a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger.

The student population at Wellington Landings Middle is more racially diverse compared to some of the nearby schools, such as Jeaga Middle and Okeeheelee Middle, with a higher percentage of White (43.25%) and Hispanic (38.86%) students. Additionally, the school has relatively low chronic absenteeism rates and a lower percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a relatively higher socioeconomic status of the student population.


Public, Magnet 6-8

 1100 Aero Club Dr
       Wellington, FL  33414

(561) 792-8100

District: Palm Beach

SchoolDigger Rank:
205th of 1,196 Florida Middle Schools

Per Pupil Expenditures:  $11,472 Help

Students who attend Wellington Landings Middle usually attend:

High:    Wellington High School

Feeder schools for Wellington Landings Middle:

Elementary:    Binks Forest Elementary School
    Wellington Elementary School

Student/teacher ratio:  19.6 Help
Number of students:  1,221

Racial breakdown:

African American:

Free/discounted lunch recipients:  26% Help

 See top rated Florida middle schools

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Performance Trends
Compare Details Wellington Landings Middle ranks better than 82.9% of middle schools in Florida. It also ranks 5th among 36 ranked middle schools in the Palm Beach School District. (See more...)
Compare Details In 2024 the calculated Average Standard Score was 79.75. (See more...)
Chronic absenteeism in a school refers to a situation where students repeatedly miss school, with the threshold often defined as missing 10% or more of school days for any reason, excused or unexcused.
Student Body
Compare Details Racial makeup is: White (43.5%), Hispanic (38.6%), African American (10.6%). (See more...)
Compare Details 26% of students are receiving a free or discounted lunch. (See more...)
Compare Details The student/teacher ratio at Wellington Landings Middle is 19.6. 30 middle schools in the Palm Beach School District have better student/teacher ratios. (See more...)
Compare Wellington Landings Middle employs 62 full-time teachers.
Compare Details The average total spent per student at Wellington Landings Middle is $11,472. 21 middle schools in the Palm Beach School District spend more per student.
Schooldigger Rankings:

Wellington Landings Middle was not ranked this year due to insufficient test score data.
SchoolDigger ranks Wellington Landings Middle 205th of 1196 Florida public middle schools. (See Wellington Landings Middle in the ranking list.)

Palm Beach:

SchoolDigger ranks Palm Beach 41st of 68 Florida school districts. (See district ranking list.)

What do you think?

Your rating for Wellington Landings Middle?

Rank History for Wellington Landings Middle

Year Avg Standard Score Statewide Rank Total # Ranked Middle Schools FL State Percentile SchoolDigger Rating
2004 89.80 35th 593 94.1%
2005 92.96 23rd 602 96.2%
2006 91.76 35th 675 94.8%
2007 91.73 39th 736 94.7%
2008 89.71 53rd 740 92.8%
2009 91.83 33rd 780 95.8%
2010 92.23 34th 839 95.9%
2011 92.03 32nd 891 96.4%
2012 90.85 54th 897 94.0%
2013 89.75 64th 956 93.3%
2014 90.11 67th 999 93.3%
2016 87.37 102nd 997 89.8%
2017 89.17 97th 1031 90.6%
2018 90.56 81st 1035 92.2%
2019 87.50 109th 1099 90.1%
2021 83.01 150th 1136 86.8%
2022 82.69 170th 1148 85.2%
2023 78.02 223rd 1177 81.1%
2024 79.75 205th 1196 82.9%
See the entire list of Florida Middle School Rankings!

Data source: test scores: Florida Department of Education, rankings: SchoolDigger.com

Wellington Landings Middle Test Scores
Group by: 
District Scores:
State Scores:    

Data source: Florida Department of Education

Review counts

All ratings (Avg rating: 4)






by a parent
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Open Quote this school is great! so much fun and soo much kindness I love it also teacher r soooo amazing here Close Quote

by a student
Thursday, February 22, 2018

Open Quote Wellington Landings Middle School overall is just an average school unless you're taking gifted/honors classes. From personal experience, I have noticed that kids who take gifted classes have a lot better attitude and have better judgement. This school educationally wise is great! If you want your child to do well and go to a good high school for example Suncoast I would suggest sending your child here. I have been here for years and matured into a well rounded young adult. However, I have seen a handful amount of students yearly getting bullied and teased. The school does a terrible job at keeping Landings a "bully-free campus" I believe that they should fix this problem. This school is also awfully strict and treats their students as if we are 8 years old even though majority of us are teenagers. In the cafeteria, the administrators watch over us like hawks. We have to sit at assigned tables. I find this extremely unfair because lunch is our only "break" from school. School is approximately 7 hours and lunch is only 30 minutes, I don't quite understand why students can't sit where they want. Another thing about this school is the bathroom policy, also known as the 15/15 rule. You cannot use the restroom 15 minutes during class and 15 minutes before the bell rings. As a young woman, I find that extremely unfair. Girls and boys should use the restroom whenever it is needed. The bathrooms are also extremely dirty and always smells terrible. This middle school is dead broke. Landings isn't very welcoming at all. The front office woman Mrs. Skinner always complains about her job when parents around. She always whines about how she has a lot to do. Not to mention the fact that teachers complain to us students about how low their job salary which not to mention is completely unprofessional. To conclude, don't send your child to WLMS unless they're flexible, independent and in advanced classes. Close Quote

Enrollment information for Wellington Landings Middle

Year White African American Asian Hispanic American Indian Pacific Islander Two or More Races Not Specified Total
1988 465 4 15 27 0 n/a n/a 0 511
1989 1120 27 28 54 1 n/a n/a 0 1230
1990 1330 38 37 79 3 n/a n/a 0 1487
1991 1263 47 30 80 3 n/a n/a 0 1423
1992 1169 59 29 80 1 n/a n/a 0 1338
1993 1205 62 24 91 2 n/a n/a 0 1384
1994 1291 66 29 101 1 n/a n/a 0 1488
1995 1438 66 36 122 5 n/a n/a 0 1667
1996 1438 66 36 122 5 n/a n/a 0 1667
1997 1485 78 42 143 5 n/a n/a 0 1753
1998 1486 83 47 147 10 n/a n/a 0 1773
1999 1514 102 45 166 11 n/a n/a 0 1838
2000 1531 130 54 189 14 n/a n/a 0 1918
2001 1238 85 32 138 9 n/a n/a 0 1502
2002 1243 91 29 182 2 n/a n/a 0 1547
2003 1243 91 29 182 2 n/a n/a 0 1547
2004 1195 110 21 223 4 n/a n/a 0 1553
2005 925 105 20 182 4 n/a n/a 0 1236
2006 861 88 23 184 5 n/a n/a 0 1161
2007 739 83 26 161 3 n/a n/a 54 1066
2008 747 91 34 165 5 n/a n/a 55 1097
2009 768 98 34 170 8 n/a n/a 59 1137
2010 754 103 37 288 6 n/a n/a 33 1221
2011 779 109 35 297 6 0 38 0 1264
2012 754 167 36 297 2 0 36 0 1292
2013 667 162 31 307 3 0 42 0 1212
2014 605 141 25 296 2 0 42 0 1111
2015 550 139 31 259 2 0 36 0 1017
2016 553 126 38 310 2 0 34 0 1063
2017 592 143 53 374 5 0 29 0 1196
2018 665 132 58 430 6 0 35 0 1326
2019 653 142 53 434 7 1 44 0 1334
2020 641 138 38 450 3 2 52 0 1324
2021 605 110 33 456 2 1 52 0 1259
2022 580 125 41 472 1 1 52 0 1272
2023 532 130 45 478 1 0 44 0 1230
2024 531 130 42 471 2 0 45 0 1221

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Enrollment/Ethnicity

For more information about how the Department of Education defines ethnicity, see Defining Race and Ethnicity Data, National Center for Education Statistics

Students eligible for free or discounted lunch at Wellington Landings Middle

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
1988 511 30.0 17.0 2.3
1989 1230 63.0 19.5 3.2
1990 1487 74.0 20.0 5.3
1991 1423 79.0 18.0 6.7
1992 1338 70.0 19.1 n/a
1993 1384 65.0 21.3 6.4
1994 1488 70.0 21.3 7.1
1995 1667 77.0 21.6 6.4
1996 1667 77.0 21.6 6.4
1997 1753 79.0 22.2 3
1998 1773 82.0 21.6 5.9
1999 1838 81.0 22.7 11.7
2000 1918 91.0 21.1 12
2001 1502 67.0 22.4 11.5
2002 1547 68.0 22.8 13.4
2003 1547 68.0 22.8 13.4
2004 1553 73.0 21.3 13.5
2005 1236 61.0 20.3 13.5
2006 1161 64.0 18.1 11.2
2007 1066 60.0 17.8 12
2008 1097 62.0 17.7 13.4
2009 1137 75.6 17.5 16.7
2010 1221 64.0 19.0 24.2
2011 1264 68.0 18.5 25.6
2012 1292 70.0 18.4 31.9
2013 1212 70.0 17.3 32.8
2014 1111 64.0 17.3 35.8
2015 1017 57.0 17.8 36.8
2016 1063 55.0 19.3 37.1
2017 1196 65.0 18.4 36.1
2018 1326 77.0 17.2 35
2019 1334 71.0 18.7 33.4
2020 1324 74.0 17.8 33.2
2021 1259 67.0 18.7 39.2
2022 1272 68.0 18.7 40.1
2023 1230 67.0 18.3 28.8
2024 1221 62.0 19.6 26

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Students eligible for discounted/free lunch:

The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) provides low-cost or free meals to students in U.S. public and nonprofit private schools based on household income. Those with incomes below 130% of the poverty line receive free lunch, while those between 130% and 185% qualify for reduced-price lunch. The percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch serves as a marker for poverty, as it reflects the socioeconomic status of families in a given school or district. A higher FRPL rate typically indicates a higher concentration of low-income families, suggesting that the school or district may face additional challenges in providing adequate resources and support for student success.

Student/Teacher Ratio Wellington Landings Middle

Year # Students Full-time Teachers Student/Teacher ratio % Free/Discounted Lunch
1988 511 30.0 17.0 2.3
1989 1230 63.0 19.5 3.2
1990 1487 74.0 20.0 5.3
1991 1423 79.0 18.0 6.7
1992 1338 70.0 19.1 n/a
1993 1384 65.0 21.3 6.4
1994 1488 70.0 21.3 7.1
1995 1667 77.0 21.6 6.4
1996 1667 77.0 21.6 6.4
1997 1753 79.0 22.2 3
1998 1773 82.0 21.6 5.9
1999 1838 81.0 22.7 11.7
2000 1918 91.0 21.1 12
2001 1502 67.0 22.4 11.5
2002 1547 68.0 22.8 13.4
2003 1547 68.0 22.8 13.4
2004 1553 73.0 21.3 13.5
2005 1236 61.0 20.3 13.5
2006 1161 64.0 18.1 11.2
2007 1066 60.0 17.8 12
2008 1097 62.0 17.7 13.4
2009 1137 75.6 17.5 16.7
2010 1221 64.0 19.0 24.2
2011 1264 68.0 18.5 25.6
2012 1292 70.0 18.4 31.9
2013 1212 70.0 17.3 32.8
2014 1111 64.0 17.3 35.8
2015 1017 57.0 17.8 36.8
2016 1063 55.0 19.3 37.1
2017 1196 65.0 18.4 36.1
2018 1326 77.0 17.2 35
2019 1334 71.0 18.7 33.4
2020 1324 74.0 17.8 33.2
2021 1259 67.0 18.7 39.2
2022 1272 68.0 18.7 40.1
2023 1230 67.0 18.3 28.8
2024 1221 62.0 19.6 26

Data source: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Dept of Education.

About Student-Teacher Ratio

Student/teacher ratio is calculated by dividing the total number of students by the total number of full-time equivalent teachers. Please note that a smaller student/teacher ratio does not necessarily translate to smaller class size. In some instances, schools hire teachers part time, and some teachers are hired for specialized instruction with very small class sizes. These and other factors contribute to the student/teacher ratio. Note: For private schools, Student/teacher ratio may not include Pre-Kindergarten.

Per Pupil Expenditures for Wellington Landings Middle


YearExpenditures from Federal FundsExpenditures from State and Local FundsTotal Expenditures Per Pupil (All Funds)
2018 $530 (6.8%) $7,279 (93.2%) $7,809
2019 $577 (7.1%) $7,572 (92.9%) $8,148
2020 $515 (5.8%) $8,401 (94.2%) $8,917
2021 $768 (7.9%) $8,987 (92.1%) $9,756
2022 $1,308 (12.7%) $9,025 (87.3%) $10,334
2023 $1,372 (12.0%) $10,101 (88.0%) $11,472

Data source: Florida Department of Education
Pre and Post Pandemic Data

Impact of COVID-19 on Wellington Landings Middle

The coronavirus has had a profound impact on education in America. Learning shifted online overnight, attendance numbers dwindled, and enrollment decreased. SchoolDigger.com is making it easier for you to better assess how COVID-19 has impacted your school. Through the collection of pre-pandemic (2019) and current data, SchoolDigger.com is sharing test scores, enrollment numbers and school demographics from schools across the country – and we make it easy to see how impacted schools compare locally and statewide.


Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Ranks 109th of 1099 Middle schoolsRanks 223rd of 1177 Middle schools

Test Scores

% proficient
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
% proficient
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
6th Grade English Language Arts (Wellington Landings Middle)7672
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Palm Beach)5854
   6th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5452
6th Grade Mathematics (Wellington Landings Middle)6970
   6th Grade Mathematics (Palm Beach)6050
   6th Grade Mathematics (Florida)5549
7th Grade English Language Arts (Wellington Landings Middle)7673
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Palm Beach)5351
   7th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5248
7th Grade Mathematics (Wellington Landings Middle)7439
   7th Grade Mathematics (Palm Beach)3527
   7th Grade Mathematics (Florida)5446
8th Grade English Language Arts (Wellington Landings Middle)7962
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Palm Beach)5851
   8th Grade English Language Arts (Florida)5649
8th Grade Mathematics (Wellington Landings Middle)8877
   8th Grade Mathematics (Palm Beach)6457
   8th Grade Mathematics (Florida)4642
8th Grade Science (Wellington Landings Middle)7864
   8th Grade Science (Palm Beach)5146
   8th Grade Science (Florida)4844
End of Course Civics (Wellington Landings Middle)9485
   End of Course Civics (Palm Beach)7265
   End of Course Civics (Florida)7166
End of Course Algebra 1 (Wellington Landings Middle)10097
   End of Course Algebra 1 (Palm Beach)6554
   End of Course Algebra 1 (Florida)6254
End of Course Geometry (Wellington Landings Middle)100100
   End of Course Geometry (Palm Beach)6153
   End of Course Geometry (Florida)5750

Student Body

Number of students
Pre-pandemic (2018-2019)
Number of students
Post pandemic (2022-2023)
Change (%)
Total Students13341230
African American142130
American Indian71
Pacific Islander10
Two or More Races4444
% Free/Discounted Lunch Recipients33.4%28.8%

Schools Near Wellington Landings Middle

Frequently Asked Questions about Wellington Landings Middle

Students at Wellington Landings Middle are 43% White, 39% Hispanic, 11% African American, 4% Two or more races, 3% Asian.

Students who attend Wellington Landings Middle usually go on to attend Wellington High School

Wellington Landings Middle ranks 205th of 1196 Florida middle schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 4 stars out of 5.

In the 2023-24 school year, 1,221 students attended Wellington Landings Middle.

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SchoolDigger data sources: National Center for Education Statistics, U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. Census Bureau and the Florida Department of Education.

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMERS: Not all boundaries are included. We make every effort to ensure that boundaries are up-to-date. But it's important to note that these are approximations and are for general informational purposes only. To verify legal descriptions of boundaries or school locations, contact your local tax assessor's office and/or school district.


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