Dr. Ralph H. Baker 21st Century Learning Center is an elementary school in Victorville, California, serving 672 students in grades K-6. The school is part of the Victor Elementary School District, which is ranked 1210 out of 1568 districts in the state and has a 1-star rating from SchoolDigger.
The school faces significant challenges, with high chronic absenteeism rates ranging from 25.8% to 46.7% over the past few years, well above the state average. Academically, Dr. Ralph H. Baker's performance on standardized tests is significantly below the state and district averages across all grade levels and subject areas. For example, in 2023-2024, only 23.58% of students were proficient or better in English Language Arts/Literacy, compared to 29.59% for the Victor Elementary district and 47.04% for the state. The school's performance is particularly low for certain student subgroups, such as African American, Hispanic, and English Language Learner students.
When compared to other nearby schools within the same district, such as Challenger School of Sports and Fitness and West Palms Conservatory, Dr. Ralph H. Baker generally performs worse on key metrics like test scores and chronic absenteeism. The school's high percentage of students (over 85%) receiving free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a high level of economic disadvantage, may be contributing to the challenges it faces. Significant improvements are needed in areas such as academic achievement, attendance, and support for disadvantaged student populations to provide a high-quality education for all students.
Students who attend Dr. Ralph H. Baker 21st Century Learning Center usually go on to attend:Middle : Imogene Garner Hook Junior HighHigh : Victor Valley High
Dr. Ralph H. Baker 21st Century Learning Center ranks in the bottom 13.4% of California elementary schools.
Students at Dr. Ralph H. Baker 21st Century Learning Center are 68% Hispanic, 17% African American, 6% White, 6% Two or more races, 2% Asian.
Victor Elementary
In the 2023-24 school year, 694 students attended Dr. Ralph H. Baker 21st Century Learning Center.