Discovery Bay Elementary is a public elementary school serving 407 students in grades K-5 in the Byron Union Elementary School District in Discovery Bay, California. The school has consistently ranked in the top 25% of California elementary schools over the past several years, with a current statewide ranking of 1386 out of 5,862 schools and a 4-star rating from SchoolDigger.
Discovery Bay Elementary outperforms the district and state averages in academic proficiency across multiple subjects and grade levels. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, 58.2% of Discovery Bay students were proficient or better in English Language Arts/Literacy, compared to 44.63% for the district and 47.04% for the state. In mathematics, 57.14% of Discovery Bay students were proficient or better, compared to 41.29% for the district and 35.54% for the state. The school also performs particularly well for certain student subgroups, ranking in the top 15% statewide for Hispanic students and low socioeconomic status students.
While Discovery Bay Elementary has seen an increase in chronic absenteeism over the past few years, reaching 31.7% in 2021-2022, the school still performs better than the district average of 35.32% for that year. When compared to other nearby schools in the same district and surrounding districts, such as Marsh Creek Elementary and Ron Nunn Elementary, Discovery Bay Elementary consistently outperforms its peers in academic proficiency across all subjects and grade levels.
Students at Discovery Bay Elementary are 40% Hispanic, 39% White, 10% Two or more races, 5% Asian, 3% African American, 3% American Indian, 1% Pacific Islander.
Students who attend Discovery Bay Elementary usually go on to attend:Middle : Excelsior MiddleHigh : Liberty High
In the 2023-24 school year, 438 students attended Discovery Bay Elementary.
Discovery Bay Elementary ranks 1386th of 5862 California elementary schools. SchoolDigger rates this school 4 stars out of 5.
Byron Union Elementary