Noah Webster Schools-Pima is a public charter elementary school serving grades K-6 in Scottsdale, Arizona, with a diverse student population. The school has faced academic challenges, consistently ranking in the bottom half of Arizona elementary schools.
Noah Webster Schools-Pima has a much higher percentage of Native American (42.71%) and Hispanic (34.24%) students compared to nearby public schools, which tend to have a majority white student population. The school's academic performance, as measured by standardized test scores, is significantly lower than the state and district averages. For example, in the 2022-2023 school year, only 24% of 3rd graders were proficient or better in English Language Arts, compared to the state average of 41%. The school has also experienced relatively high dropout rates in recent years, ranging from 0% to 19.3%.
When compared to the nearby Cochise Elementary School, located just 3.84 miles away, Noah Webster Schools-Pima performs significantly worse academically, with 70% of 3rd graders at Cochise proficient or better in English Language Arts. Additionally, the school's performance on standardized tests is particularly low for certain student subgroups, such as English Language Learners, Special Education students, and Homeless students, who rank in the bottom 20% of Arizona elementary schools in these categories. Despite these challenges, the school's per-student spending is relatively high, at $13,395 in the 2021-2022 school year, compared to the nearby Scottsdale Unified District schools, which spent around $8,000-$12,000 per student.
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