J J A E P is a small public high school in McKinney, Texas, serving grades 8-12 and part of the McKinney Independent School District. This specialized school has a unique student population and academic profile compared to the nearby high schools.
J J A E P has a significantly different racial makeup than the surrounding schools, with a student body that is 53.85% Hispanic, 30.77% White, and 7.69% African American. Academically, J J A E P performs much lower than the district and state averages, with only 0% of students proficient in Algebra I, compared to 67% in the district and 45% statewide. However, J J A E P has maintained a 0% dropout rate, which is lower than the nearby McKinney Boyd High School at 0.7%. The school also has an exceptionally low student-teacher ratio, ranging from 0.3 to 4.3 over the past 3 years, much lower than the 15-20 students per teacher at the surrounding high schools.
Interestingly, J J A E P has seen significant fluctuations in its per-student spending, ranging from $40,400 in 2019-2020 to $296,016 in 2020-2021, which is much higher than the $8,000-$10,000 per student spent at the nearby high schools. This specialized school serves a unique population of students, which may contribute to its lower academic performance but higher spending and smaller class sizes. There is another similar school, Collin County J J A E P, located in Allen, Texas, that also serves a small student population in an alternative education program.
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