Club Estates is an elementary school in Corpus Christi, Texas, serving students from pre-kindergarten to 5th grade as part of the Corpus Christi Independent School District (CCISD). The school has a student population that is predominantly Hispanic, with around 80-83% Hispanic students, compared to nearby schools that range from 67-88% Hispanic. Club Estates also has a lower percentage of White students, around 13-16%, compared to the nearby schools, which range from 7-21% White students.
Academically, Club Estates generally performs better than the CCISD and Texas averages in reading and math proficiency, especially in the upper grades. In 2023-2024, 62.96% of 4th graders and 62.79% of 5th graders at Club Estates were proficient or better in STAAR Reading, compared to the CCISD averages of 47.82% and 51.01%, respectively. Similarly, 60.38% of 4th graders and 62.79% of 5th graders at Club Estates were proficient or better in STAAR Math, compared to the CCISD averages of 45.77% and 49.39%. The school performs particularly well for its Hispanic and Special Education student groups, ranking in the top 25-30% of Texas elementary schools in these categories, but struggles with its White student group, ranking in the bottom 50%.
While Club Estates outperforms the CCISD and Texas averages in many areas, it is not the top-performing school in the immediate vicinity. Nearby schools like Kolda Elementary and Faye Webb Elementary consistently rank higher and have stronger academic outcomes. The nearby schools with higher percentages of White and Asian students tend to perform better overall, highlighting the potential impact of student demographics on academic achievement. Additionally, the high percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch at Club Estates, around 68-74%, suggests that the school serves a relatively economically disadvantaged population, which may contribute to some of the academic challenges it faces.
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