Essence Preparatory Charter School is an elementary school serving grades PK-6 in San Antonio, Texas, with a student population of 103. The school is part of the San Antonio Independent School District (Isd), which is ranked 925 out of 968 districts in Texas and has a 0-star rating.
Essence Preparatory's academic performance is significantly below the state average across all grade levels and subjects. For example, in 3rd grade reading, only 28.13% of Essence Preparatory students were proficient or better, compared to the state average of 48.85%. In 5th grade math, only 10.34% of Essence Preparatory students were proficient, compared to the state average of 48.96%. The school ranked 4232 out of 4675 Texas elementary schools in the 2023-2024 school year, placing it in the bottom 10% of schools statewide. However, Essence Preparatory has a very low student-teacher ratio of 9:1, which is significantly lower than the nearby schools like Bonham Academy, Highland Park Elementary, and Idea Carver Academy, which generally perform better academically.
Essence Preparatory has a much higher percentage of African American students (72.82%) compared to the nearby schools, which have a more diverse student population. The school does not provide data on the percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, which is a common indicator of economic disadvantage. Further investigation into the school's resources, teaching practices, and support systems may be necessary to understand the root causes of its poor performance and develop strategies for improvement.
Essence Preparatory Charter School
Essence Preparatory Charter School ranks in the bottom 9.5% of Texas elementary schools.
Students at Essence Preparatory Charter School are 73% African American, 25% Hispanic, 2% Two or more races.
In the 2022-23 school year, 103 students attended Essence Preparatory Charter School.