Scott School is an elementary school located in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, serving grades K-5 with a total enrollment of 461 students. Unfortunately, this school has consistently ranked among the lowest-performing elementary schools in the state, with very poor academic performance across all subject areas and grade levels.
Scott School's academic proficiency rates are significantly below state and district averages. For example, in the 2023-2024 school year, only 5.1% of students were proficient or better in PSSA Math, compared to 40.4% statewide and 5.7% in the Harrisburg City School District. Similarly, only 9.7% of students were proficient or better in PSSA English Language Arts, compared to 53% statewide and 15.6% in the district. The school's performance is particularly concerning for certain student subgroups, ranking in the bottom 1-3% of Pennsylvania elementary schools for African American students, Hispanic students, English Language Learners, and students of low socioeconomic status.
While Scott School has relatively high spending per student, with over $27,000 spent per student in the 2021-2022 school year, the challenges facing the school appear to be systemic issues within the Harrisburg City School District. The other elementary schools in the district, such as Benjamin Franklin School, Foose School, and Downey School, also perform poorly, with academic proficiency rates well below state averages. However, one nearby school, Melrose School, appears to perform slightly better, suggesting that there may be strategies or practices that could potentially be replicated at Scott School.
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