Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol is the sole elementary school located in the Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol District in Rochester, New York. Serving grades K-5, the school has an enrollment of 401 students.
Based on the available data, Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol is a low-performing school, ranking 2436 out of 2445 New York elementary schools and receiving a 0 out of 5 star rating from SchoolDigger. The school's proficiency rates on state assessments are significantly below the state averages across all grade levels and subject areas, with only 5.8% of 3rd graders proficient in ELA compared to the state average of 42.6%. Additionally, 89.53% of students receive free or reduced-price lunch, indicating a high percentage of economically disadvantaged students.
Despite the high percentage of economically disadvantaged students and relatively high per-student spending of $14,251, the school is not achieving strong academic results. The combination of poor academic performance, low rankings, and high rates of economic disadvantage suggests that Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol is struggling to provide a high-quality education for its students. Significant improvements are needed to ensure students receive the education they deserve.
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