Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol is the sole elementary school serving grades K-5 in the Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol District, which is ranked 863 out of 865 districts in New York and has a 0-star rating from SchoolDigger. The school has consistently ranked in the bottom 10% of New York elementary schools over the past three school years, with rankings of 2436 out of 2445 in 2023-2024, 2349 out of 2439 in 2022-2023, and 2101 out of 2434 in 2021-2022. It has a 0-star rating from SchoolDigger, indicating it is performing well below average compared to other schools in the state.
Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol has significantly lower proficiency rates on New York State Assessments compared to state averages across all grade levels and subject areas. For example, in 2023-2024, the school's 3rd grade English Language Arts proficiency rate was 5.8% compared to the state average of 42.6%, and its 3rd grade Math proficiency rate was 2.9% compared to the state average of 53.93%. The school also has a very high percentage of students receiving free or reduced-price lunch, at 89.53% in the 2022-2023 school year, and a spending per student of $14,251 for the same year.
The consistently low rankings and performance of Exploration Ele Charter School - Science-Technol, coupled with its high percentage of students from low-income families, suggest that the school may be facing significant challenges in providing a high-quality education to its students. The high spending per student, despite the poor academic outcomes, raises questions about the effective allocation and utilization of resources, while the lack of information on the school's student-teacher ratio makes it difficult to assess the potential impact of class size on student learning and achievement.
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