The 03467 zip code area has only one school, Westmoreland School, which serves grades K-8 with a total enrollment of 110 students. While the school's small class sizes and individualized attention may be beneficial, its academic performance is generally below the state average, particularly in mathematics. The school's racial makeup is predominantly White, and it has a relatively high percentage of students from economically disadvantaged backgrounds.
Westmoreland School's academic performance is a concern, with proficiency rates in mathematics consistently lower than the state average, ranging from 21% to 46% across different grade levels, compared to the state average of 40-53%. Reading proficiency is more mixed, with some grades performing above the state average and others performing below. However, the school's science proficiency rates are higher than the state average, with 55% of students proficient or better compared to the state average of 36%.
The data analysis suggests that Westmoreland School is not a standout performer in the region, with a declining statewide ranking over the past three years. The school's inconsistent academic outcomes across subject areas and grade levels, as well as the higher percentage of economically disadvantaged students, may contribute to these challenges. While the small class sizes and individualized attention could be beneficial, the school's limited resources and extracurricular opportunities may also be factors to consider for parents in the Westmoreland School District.
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