Minden Public Schools has one elementary school, Minden East Elementary School, which serves grades PK-3 and has 232 students. The school's student population is predominantly white (87.5%), with smaller percentages of Hispanic (10.34%), Asian (0.86%), and African American (0.43%) students. Minden East Elementary is a high-performing school, with 74% of 3rd-grade students proficient or better in English Language Arts and Mathematics, outperforming both the Minden Public Schools district average of 74% and the statewide Nebraska averages of 63% and 58%, respectively.
The school has a moderate level of economic disadvantage, with 34.48% of students qualifying for free or reduced-price lunch. Minden East Elementary spends $17,942 per student, which is higher than the national average per-pupil spending. However, the school's student-teacher ratio is not provided in the data set. The lack of racial diversity within the school may be an area of concern, as the student population is predominantly white.
Overall, Minden East Elementary School appears to be a strong-performing school within the Minden Public Schools district, with high academic achievement and significant investment in per-student spending. While the school's economic disadvantage and lack of racial diversity are factors to consider, the data suggests that Minden East Elementary is providing a quality education to its students.
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