Pocosin Innovative Charter is the sole elementary school serving the Creswell, North Carolina area. This school has a predominantly white student population and has consistently ranked in the bottom half of North Carolina elementary schools, receiving a 2-star rating out of 5 from School Digger. While the school's academic performance is mixed, with some grades outperforming the state average in math and reading, there are areas for improvement, particularly in maintaining consistent high-quality education across all grade levels.
Pocosin Innovative Charter has a student-teacher ratio of 11.4, which is lower than the state average, suggesting smaller class sizes that may provide more personalized attention for students. However, the lack of data on free and reduced lunch rates makes it difficult to determine if socioeconomic factors are influencing the school's academic performance, an area that could provide valuable insights into the challenges the school may be facing.
Overall, the analysis of Pocosin Innovative Charter reveals a school with mixed academic performance, potential socioeconomic challenges, and a relatively low overall ranking and rating compared to other elementary schools in North Carolina. While the smaller class sizes may be a strength, the school's inconsistent performance and low overall ranking suggest that there is room for improvement in providing a consistently high-quality education to all students.
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