The city of Galata, Montana is home to 3 elementary schools serving students in the area. While the schools share some similarities, such as a predominantly white student population, they also exhibit notable differences in terms of student enrollment, student-to-teacher ratios, and statewide rankings.
The smallest school in the data set is Galata School, with only 6 students enrolled and the lowest student-to-teacher ratio of 6. In contrast, Liberty Elementary School has the highest enrollment at 31 students and the highest student-to-teacher ratio of 31. Riverview Elementary, with 19 students, ranks 330 out of 332 Montana elementary schools, making it the lowest-ranked school in the data set.
The data set also reveals a significant disparity in the statewide rankings of the schools, with Liberty Elementary School ranked 205 out of 332 Montana elementary schools, while Riverview Elementary is ranked 330 out of 332. This suggests that the perceived quality of these schools varies greatly, despite their proximity and shared student demographics.
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