Txuj Ci HMong Language & Culture U is a public middle school located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, serving grades 6-8 with a total enrollment of 52 students, the majority of whom (94.23%) identify as Asian.
This unique school has a strong focus on Hmong language and culture, which is reflected in its student population. While the school's performance on standardized tests is generally lower than the district and state averages, it shows relative strength in the academic achievement of its Asian and English Language Learner (ELL) student subgroups. Txuj Ci HMong Language & Culture U has a significantly lower student-teacher ratio (7.6) compared to nearby schools, which range from 14.1 to 36.8 students per teacher. In contrast, schools like Farnsworth Aerospace Upper and Battle Creek Middle have more diverse student populations with a mix of racial backgrounds.
The school's specialized focus and low student-teacher ratio may be contributing factors to its distinctive profile within the Saint Paul Public Schools district, which is ranked 346 out of 463 districts in Minnesota and has a 1-star rating from SchoolDigger. While the school's overall performance is below average, its unique approach to Hmong language and culture education may be a draw for families seeking a more specialized educational experience for their children.
Txuj Ci HMong Language & Culture U ranks in the bottom 20.9% of Minnesota middle schools.
Saint Paul Public Schools
Students at Txuj Ci HMong Language & Culture U are 92% Asian, 3% African American, 3% Hispanic, 2% White, 2% Two or more races.
In the 2023-24 school year, 118 students attended Txuj Ci HMong Language & Culture U.