Submit an update to the database for Eddyville Education Center

Submit Corrections: Thank you for taking the time to submit an update to the database!

Before you begin, please note the following:
School Identification
Current value: Proposed value
School Name: Eddyville Education Center
Status: Open
Phone (xxx-xxx-xxxx): 270-388-2211
School Location Address: 266 Water St
School Location City: Eddyville
School Location Zip: 42038
School Location Zip+4:
School Website:
(Include http or https!)
School Mailing Address
Current value: Proposed value
School Mailing Address: 266 Water St
School Mailing Address City: Eddyville
School Mailing Address Zip: 42038
School Mailing Address Zip+4:
School Information
Current value: Proposed value
Low Grade Offered: Ungraded
High Grade Offered: Ungraded
Magnet school? No
Charter school? No
Student body:
School days per year:
Hours per day:
Your name:
Your position:
(administrator, principal, parent, concerned citizen)
Your Email address:
(you will receive a confirmation email)
Retype email address:
Phone number: (optional)
Are you a robot?
